Prof John Connelly
Professor of Bioengineering
CPM grant funding strategy lead and director of CREATE lab,
CPM Theme lead for Skin Models
Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London
Queen Mary University of London
skin, 3D bioprinting, mechanobiology, regenerative medicine
My research group focuses on the repair and regeneration of human skin. We develop novel biomaterials and engineered biosystems to model the skin and employ technologies such as micro-fabrication, engineered hydrogels, and 3D bioprinting. This approach has allowed to uncover fundamental mechanisms of tissue homeostasis and wound repair, and a key are of interest is the role of mechanical and biophysical cues in skin regeneration.Publications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models

Jones CFE, Di Cio S, Connelly JT and Gautrot JE
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Frontiers Media vol. 10

Sarmin AM, Moussaid NE, Suntornnond R, Tyler EJ, Kim Y-H, Di Cio S, Megone WV, Pearce O, Gautrot JE, Dawson J and Connelly JT
Biomolecules, Mdpi vol. 12 (6)

Pundel OJ, Blowes LM and Connelly JT
Advanced Science, Wiley vol. 9 (10)

Laly AC, Sliogeryte K, Pundel OJ, Ross R, Keeling MC, Avisetti D, Waseem A, Gavara N and Connelly JT
Science Advances, American Association For The Advancement of Science (Aaas) vol. 7 (5)

Almeida FV, Gammon L, Laly AC, Pundel OJ, Bishop CL and Connelly JT
Advanced Biosystems, Wiley, 1900011-1900011.

Ghetti M, Topouzi H, Theocharidis G, Papa V, Williams G, Bondioli E, Cenacchi G, Connelly JT and Higgins CA
British Journal of Dermatology, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 179 (2), 381-393.

Kenny FN, Drymoussi Z, Delaine-Smith R, Kao AP, Laly AC, Knight MM, Philpott MP and Connelly JT
Journal of Cell Science vol. 131 (10), 215780-215780.

Pearce OMT, Delaine-Smith R, Maniati E, Nichols S, Wang J, Böhm S, Rajeeve V, Ullah D, Chakravarty P, Jones RR, Montfort A, Dowe T, Gribben J, Jones JL, Kocher HM, Serody JS, Vincent BG, Connelly J, Brenton JD, Chelala C, Cutillas PR, Lockley M, Bessant C, Knight M and Balkwill FR
Cancer Discov

Sharili AS, Kenny FN, Vartiainen MK and Connelly JT
Sci Rep vol. 6, 33893-33893.

Kao AP, Connelly JT and Barber AH
Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials vol. 57, 14-23.

Theocharidis G, Drymoussi Z, Kao AP, Barber AH, Lee DA, Braun KM and Connelly JT
J Invest Dermatol vol. 136 (1), 74-83.

Almeida FV, Walko G, McMillan JR, McGrath JA, Wiche G, Barber AH and Connelly JT
Journal of Cell Science, The Company of Biologists vol. 128 (24), 4475-4486.

Costa P, Gautrot JE and Connelly JT
Acta Biomater vol. 10 (6), 2415-2422.

Driskell RR, Juneja VR, Connelly JT, Kretzschmar K, Tan DW-M and Watt FM
J Invest Dermatol vol. 132 (4), 1084-1093.

Trappmann B, Gautrot JE, Connelly JT, Strange DGT, Li Y, Oyen ML, Cohen Stuart MA, Boehm H, Li B, Vogel V, Spatz JP, Watt FM and Huck WTS
Nature Materials

Connelly JT, Gautrot JE, Trappmann B, Tan DWM, Donati G, Huck WTS and Watt FM
Nature Cell Biology vol. 12 (7), 711-718.

Connelly JT, Vanderploeg EJ, Mouw JK, Wilson CG and Levenston ME
Tissue Eng Part A vol. 16 (6), 1913-1923.

Connelly JT, García AJ and Levenston ME
J Cell Physiol vol. 217 (1), 145-154.

Connelly JT, García AJ and Levenston ME
Biomaterials vol. 28 (6), 1071-1083.
Grants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models

Hazel Screen, Stefaan Verbruggen, Martin Knight, Julia Shelton, Timothy Hopkins and John Connelly
£573,537 NC3Rs National Center for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research
Grant Summary
07-10-2024 - 14-03-2025

Martin Knight, Hazel Screen, Julien Gautrot, Timothy Hopkins, John Connelly, Liisa Blowes and Xavier Griffin
£1,787,725 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Grant Summary
01-10-2024 - 30-09-2027

Hazel Screen, Martin Knight, Thomas Iskratsch, Caroline Roney, Yi Sui, David Lee, Julia Shelton, Zion Tse, John Connelly, Adrian Biddle and Lucy Norling
£7,066,811 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-07-2024 - 30-09-2032

Cleo Bishop and John Connelly
£118,835 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
01-10-2021 - 30-09-2025

Cleo Bishop and John Connelly
£76,000 Unilever UK Ltd
01-10-2021 - 30-09-2025

Thomas Iskratsch and John Connelly
£79,541 Unilever UK Ltd
04-10-2021 - 03-10-2024

Yung-Yao Lin and John Connelly
£91,761 NC3Rs National Center for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research
01-11-2020 - 15-06-2024