Prof Yi Sui

Yi Sui

Professor of Fluid Mechanics

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
Google Scholar


computational modelling of cell dynamics in flows, microfluidics cell sorting and characterisation, real-time AI algorithms, in-vitro models for drug delivery

Cancer Models, Cardiovascular Models


I am interested in sorting cells from patient blood that can be used to build complex in-vitro models. I have expertise in computational modelling of flow and mass transport, and AI-image based ultrahigh-throughput mechanical characterisation and label-free cell sorting. I am interested in using these tools to understand and develop microfluidics-based in-vitro models such as organ-chips.

Publications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models

solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models


Core–Shell-Structured Electrorheological Fluid with a Polarizability-Tunable Nanocarbon Shell for Enhanced Stimuli-Responsive Activity
Chen S, Cheng Y, Zhao Z, Zhang K, Hao T, Sui Y, Wang W, Zhao J and Li Y
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 15 (29), 35741-35749.  
Transient deformation of a viscoelastic capsule in a cross-slot microchannel: effects of inertia and membrane viscosity
Lu RX, Guo ZY, Yu P and Sui Y
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 962 
A method for real-time mechanical characterisation of microcapsules
Guo Z, Lin T, Jing D, Wang W and Sui Y
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Springer Nature vol. 22 (4), 1209-1220.  
A computational model for the transit of a cancer cell through a constricted microchannel
Wang Z, Lu R, Wang W, Tian FB, Feng JJ and Sui Y
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Springer Nature vol. 22 (4), 1129-1143.  


Acoustically accelerated neural differentiation of human embryonic stem cells
Sun C, Dong Y, Wei J, Cai M, Liang D, Fu Y, Zhou Y, Sui Y, Wu F, Mikhaylov R, Wang H, Fan F, Xie Z, Stringer M, Yang Z, Wu Z, Tian L and Yang X
Acta Biomaterialia, Elsevier vol. 151, 333-345.  
Numerical and theoretical analysis of fast evaporating sessile droplets with coupled fields
Shen Y, Kang F, Cheng Y, Zhang K and Sui Y
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier vol. 172 
Characterising Mechanical Properties of Flowing Microcapsules Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
T. Lin TL, Z. Wang ZW, R. X. Lu RXL, W. Wang WW and Y. Sui YS
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Global Science Press vol. 14 (1), 79-100.  


Path selection of a train of spherical capsules in a branched microchannel
Lu RX, Wang Z, Salsac A-V, Barthès-Biesel D, Wang W and Sui Y
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 923 
A high-throughput method to characterize membrane viscosity of flowing microcapsules
Lin T, Wang Z, Lu R, Wang W and Sui Y
Physics of Fluids, Aip Publishing vol. 33 (1) 
A neural network-based algorithm for high-throughput characterisation of viscoelastic properties of flowing microcapsules
Lin T, Wang Z, Wang W and Sui Y
Soft Matter, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 17 (15), 4027-4039.  


An immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method for fluid-structure interaction problems involving viscoelastic fluids and complex geometries
Ma J, Wang Z, Young J, Lai JCS, Sui Y and Tian FB
Journal of Computational Physics, Elsevier vol. 415 


A fate-alternating transitional regime in contracting liquid filaments
Wang F, Contò FP, Naz N, Castrejón-Pita JR, Castrejón-Pita AA, Bailey CG, Wang W, Feng JJ and Sui Y
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 860, 640-653.  
Path Selection of a Spherical Capsule in a Branched Channel
Wang Z, Sui Y, Wang W, Barthѐs-Biesel D and Salsac A-V
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, Tech Science Press vol. 16 (S2), 42-43.  


Path selection of a spherical capsule in a microfluidic branched channel: Towards the design of an enrichment device
Wang Z, Sui Y, Salsac AV, Barthès-Biesel D and Wang W
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 849, 136-162.  


Benchmark numerical solutions for two-dimensional fluid–structure interaction involving large displacements with the deforming-spatial-domain/stabilized space–time and immersed boundary–lattice Boltzmann methods
Xu Y-Q, Jiang Y-Q, Wu J, Sui Y and Tian F-B
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Sage Publications vol. 232 (14), 2500-2514.  


Motion of a spherical capsule in branched tube flow with finite inertia
Wang Z, Sui Y, Salsac AV, Barthès-Biesel D and Wang W
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 806, 603-626.  
Swimming performance and vorticity structures of a mother-calf pair of fish
Tian F-B, Wang W, Wu J and Sui Y
Computers & Fluids vol. 124, 1-11.  

Grants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models

solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
bullet iconNext Generation Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies
Hazel Screen, Martin Knight, Thomas Iskratsch, Caroline Roney, Yi Sui, David Lee, Julia Shelton, Zion Tse, John Connelly, Adrian Biddle and Lucy Norling
£7,066,811 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-07-2024 - 30-09-2032