Prof Fran Balkwill
Deputy Lead, Centre for Tumour Microenvironment
Barts Cancer Institute
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London
cancer, tumour microenvironment, multi-cellular models, ovarian cancer, extracellular matrix, immunotherapy
The interest and experience of my laboratory relates to complex multi-cellular models MCMs of the tumour microenvironment, especially in ovarian cancer. Having completed a multi-level deconstruction of ovarian cancer metastases, we have begun to reconstruct 3D multi-cellular models of these metastases using primary adipocytes, fibroblasts, mesothelial cells, monocytes and malignant cells. We are also currently working to vascularise these MCMs. We are using the models to understand cell cell communication in the tumour microenvironment, test new biological therapies and study sensitivity and resistance to T cell killing.Publications
Publications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
Joy JD, Malacrida B, Laforêts F, Kotantaki P, Maniati E, Manchanda R, Annibaldi A, Hopkins S, Garrobo-Calleja I, Gautrot J and Balkwill FR (2024). Human 3D Ovarian Cancer Models Reveal Malignant Cell-Intrinsic and -Extrinsic Factors That Influence CAR T-cell Activity. Cancer Res vol. 84, (15) 2432-2449. 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-23-3007
Laforêts F, Donnadieu E and Balkwill F (2024). Protocol for real-time monitoring of CD8+ T and myeloid cell behavior in human high-grade serous ovarian cancer slices. Elsevier Star Protocols vol. 5, (2) 10.1016/j.xpro.2024.103102
de Brito M, Green F, McCarthy R, Rees M, Balkwill F and O’Toole EA (2024). P33 Skinvaders: gamification of the skin barrier to engage school-age children in the biology of the skin. Oxford University Press (Oup) British Journal of Dermatology vol. 190, (6) e94-e95. 10.1093/bjd/ljae105.055
Ozturk E, Zhao M, Hoffman AJ, Joy A, Marlow CS, Law F, Deutsch AR, Mathews CJ, McGuire L, Balkwill F, Burns K, Butler L, Drews M, Fields G, Smith H, Winterbottom M, Rutland A, Hartstone-Rose A and Mulvey KL (2024). Correction: Developmental Trajectories of Adolescents’ Math Motivation: The Role of Mindset and Perceptions of Informal STEM Learning Site Inclusivity. Springer Nature Journal of Youth and Adolescence vol. 53, (8) 1940-1940. 10.1007/s10964-024-01978-9
Ozturk E, Zhao M, Joy A, Marlow CS, Law F, Deutsch AR, Mathews CJ, Hoffman AJ, McGuire L, Winterbottom M, Balkwill F, Burns K, Butler L, Drews M, Fields G, Smith H, Rutland A, Hartstone-Rose A and Mulvey KL (2024). The relations between growth mindset, motivational beliefs, and career interest in math intensive fields in informal STEM youth programs. Public Library of Science (Plos) Plos One vol. 19, (4) 10.1371/journal.pone.0294276
Ozturk E, Zhao M, Hoffman AJ, Joy A, Marlow CS, Law F, Deutsch AR, Mathews CJ, McGuire L, Balkwill F, Burns K, Butler L, Drews M, Fields G, Smith H, Winterbottom M, Rutland A, Hartstone-Rose A and Mulvey KL (2024). Developmental Trajectories of Adolescents’ Math Motivation: The Role of Mindset and Perceptions of Informal STEM Learning Site Inclusivity. Springer Nature Journal of Youth and Adolescence vol. 53, (7) 1542-1563. 10.1007/s10964-024-01949-0
Tsocheva I, Scales J, Dove R, Chavda J, Kalsi H, Wood HE, Colligan G, Cross L, Newby C, Hall A, Keating M, Sartori L, Moon J, Thomson A, Tomini F, Murray A, Hamad W, Tijm S, Hirst A, Vincent BP, Kotala P, Balkwill F, Mihaylova B, Grigg J, Quint JK, Fletcher M, Mon-Williams M, Wright J, van Sluijs E and Beevers S (2023). Investigating the impact of London’s ultra low emission zone on children’s health: children’s health in London and Luton (CHILL) protocol for a prospective parallel cohort study. Springer Nature Bmc Pediatrics vol. 23, (1) 10.1186/s12887-023-04384-5
Samain R, Maiques O, Monger J, Lam H, Candido J, George S, Ferrari N, KohIhammer L, Lunetto S, Varela A, Orgaz JL, Vilardell F, Olsina JJ, Matias-Guiu X, Sarker D, Biddle A, Balkwill FR, Eyles J, Wilkinson RW, Kocher HM, Calvo F, Wells CM and Sanz-Moreno V (2023). CD73 controls Myosin II–driven invasion, metastasis, and immunosuppression in amoeboid pancreatic cancer cells. American Association For The Advancement of Science (Aaas) Science Advances vol. 9, (42) 10.1126/sciadv.adi0244
Zhao M, Ozturk E, Law F, Joy A, Deutsch AR, Marlow CS, Mathews CJ, McGuire L, Hoffman AJ, Balkwill F, Burns KP, Butler L, Drews M, Fields G, Smith H, Winterbottom M, Mulvey KL, Hartstone-Rose A and Rutland A (2023). Reciprocal Associations Between Science Efficacy, STEM Identity and Scientist Career Interest Among Adolescent Girls within the Context of Informal Science Learning. Springer Nature Journal of Youth and Adolescence vol. 53, (2) 472-484. 10.1007/s10964-023-01868-6
Elorbany S, Malacrida B and Balkwill F (2023). Interferon epsilon and ovarian cancer. Elsevier Trends in Cancer vol. 9, (12) 985-986. 10.1016/j.trecan.2023.09.008
McGuire L, Marlow C, Hoffman AJ, Joy A, Law F, Hartstone‐Rose A, Rutland A, Winterbottom M, Balkwill F, Burns KP, Butler L, Fields G and Mulvey KL (2023). Children's and adolescents’ evaluations of wealth‐related STEM inequality. Wiley Social Development vol. 33, (1) 10.1111/sode.12710
Phillips MM, Pavlyk I, Allen M, Ghazaly E, Cutts R, Carpentier J, Berry JS, Nattress C, Feng S, Hallden G, Chelala C, Bomalaski J, Steele J, Sheaff M, Balkwill F and Szlosarek PW (2023). Correction: A role for macrophages under cytokine control in mediating resistance to ADI-PEG20 (pegargiminase) in ASS1-deficient mesothelioma. Springer Nature Pharmacological Reports vol. 75, (3) 753-753. 10.1007/s43440-023-00487-z
Scales J, Chavda J, Ikeda E, Tsocheva I, Dove RE, Wood HE, Kalsi H, Colligan G, Griffiths L, Day B, Crichlow C, Keighley A, Fletcher M, Newby C, Tomini F, Balkwill F, Mihaylova B, Grigg J, Beevers S, Eldridge S, Sheikh A, Gauderman J, Kelly F, Randhawa G, Mudway IS, van Sluijs E and Griffiths CJ (2023). Device-Measured Change in Physical Activity in Primary School Children During the UK COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: A Longitudinal Study. Human Kinetics Journal of Physical Activity and Health vol. 20, (7) 639-647. 10.1123/jpah.2022-0434
Elorbany S, Berlato C, Carnevalli L, Maniati E, Wang J, Barry S, Manchanda R, Kzhyshkowska J and Balkwill F (2023). Abstract LB195: Immunotherapies that repolarize macrophages and CD4 T cells enhance the effect of chemotherapy in high-grade serous ovarian cancer. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Research vol. 83, (8_Supplement) lb195-lb195. 10.1158/1538-7445.am2023-lb195
Dibble M, Di Cio’ S, Luo P, Balkwill F and Gautrot JE (2023). The impact of pericytes on the stability of microvascular networks in response to nanoparticles. Springer Nature Scientific Reports vol. 13, (1) 10.1038/s41598-023-31352-x
Kotantaki P, Laforêts F, Maniati E, Berlato C, Malliouri A, Devlin MJ, Malacrida B, Elorbany S, Manchanda R and Balkwill FR (2023). Abstract 5957: Chemotherapy-induced extracellular matrix remodeling in HGSOC. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Research vol. 83, (7_Supplement) 5957-5957. 10.1158/1538-7445.am2023-5957
Laforets F, Kotantaki P, Malacrida B, Elorbany S, Manchanda R, Donnadieu E and Balkwill F (2023). Abstract 5913: Semi-supervised analysis of myeloid and T cell behavior in ex vivo ovarian tumor slices reveals changes in cell motility after treatments. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Research vol. 83, (7_Supplement) 5913-5913. 10.1158/1538-7445.am2023-5913
Joy JD, Malacrida B, Laforêts F, Kotantaki P, Maniati E, Hopkins S, Garrobo-Calleja I, Gautrot J and Balkwill F (2023). Abstract 4576: 3D in vitro models uncover malignant cell intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms of CAR-T cell resistance in high grade serous ovarian cancer. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Research vol. 83, (7_Supplement) 4576-4576. 10.1158/1538-7445.am2023-4576
Malacrida B, Elorbany S, Maniati E, Laforets F, Manchanda R and Balkwill FR (2023). Abstract 4551: Reconstructing the metastatic tumor microenvironment of high grade serous ovarian cancer: understanding the contribution of malignant cells. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Research vol. 83, (7_Supplement) 4551-4551. 10.1158/1538-7445.am2023-4551
Phillips MM, Pavlyk I, Allen M, Ghazaly E, Cutts R, Carpentier J, Berry JS, Nattress C, Feng S, Hallden G, Chelala C, Bomalaski J, Steele J, Sheaff M, Balkwill F and Szlosarek PW (2023). A role for macrophages under cytokine control in mediating resistance to ADI-PEG20 (pegargiminase) in ASS1-deficient mesothelioma. Springer Nature Pharmacological Reports vol. 75, (3) 570-584. 10.1007/s43440-023-00480-6
Laforêts F, Kotantaki P, Malacrida B, Elorbany S, Manchanda R, Donnadieu E and Balkwill F (2023). Semi-supervised analysis of myeloid and T cell behavior in ex vivo ovarian tumor slices reveals changes in cell motility after treatments. Elsevier Iscience vol. 26, (4) 10.1016/j.isci.2023.106514
Joy A, Mathews CJ, Zhao M, Law F, McGuire L, Hoffman AJ, Balkwill F, Burns KP, Butler L, Drews M, Fields G, Smith H, Ozturk E, Winterbottom M, Rutland A, Hartstone-Rose A and Mulvey KL (2023). Interest, Mindsets and Engagement: Longitudinal Relations in Science Orientations for Adolescents in Informal Science Programs. Springer Nature Journal of Youth and Adolescence vol. 52, (5) 1088-1099. 10.1007/s10964-023-01734-5
Lloyd KE, Hall LH, Ziegler L, Foy R, Borthwick GM, MacKenzie M, Taylor DG and Smith SG (2022). A factorial randomised trial investigating factors influencing general practitioners’ willingness to prescribe aspirin for cancer preventive therapy in Lynch syndrome: a registered report. Royal College of General Practitioners British Journal of General Practice vol. 73, (729) 10.3399/bjgp.2021.0610
Zhao M, Mathews CJ, Mulvey KL, Hartstone-Rose A, McGuire L, Hoffman AJ, Winterbottom M, Joy A, Law F, Balkwill F, Burns KP, Butler L, Drews M, Fields G, Smith H and Rutland A (2022). Promoting Diverse Youth’s Career Development through Informal Science Learning: The Role of Inclusivity and Belonging. Springer Nature Journal of Youth and Adolescence vol. 52, (2) 331-343. 10.1007/s10964-022-01694-2
McGuire L, Hoffman AJ, Mulvey KL, Hartstone-Rose A, Winterbottom M, Joy A, Law F, Balkwill F, Burns KP, Butler L, Drews M, Fields G, Smith H and Rutland A (2022). Gender Stereotypes and Peer Selection in STEM Domains Among Children and Adolescents. Springer Nature Sex Roles vol. 87, (9-10) 455-470. 10.1007/s11199-022-01327-9
Devlin M-J, Miller R, Laforets F, Kotantaki P, Garsed DW, Kristeleit R, Bowtell DD, McDermott J, Maniati E and Balkwill FR (2022). The tumour microenvironment of clear cell ovarian cancer. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Immunology Research vol. 10, (11) 1326-1339. 10.1158/2326-6066.cir-22-0407
Olivera I, Sanz-Pamplona R, Bolaños E, Rodriguez I, Etxeberria I, Cirella A, Egea J, Garasa S, Migueliz I, Eguren-Santamaria I, Sanmamed MF, Glez-Vaz J, Azpilikueta A, Alvarez M, Ochoa MC, Malacrida B, Propper D, de Andrea CE, Berraondo P, Balkwill FR, Teijeira Á and Melero I (2022). A Therapeutically Actionable Protumoral Axis of Cytokines Involving IL-8, TNFα, and IL-1β. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Discovery vol. 12, (9) 2140-2157. 10.1158/
Joy JD, Malacrida B, Laforêts F, Kotantaki P, Maniati E, Hopkins S, Calleja I, Brett S, Athanasopoulos T, Ali S, Emery-Billcliff P, Ricciardelli I, Kay C, Colebrook J, Ali M, Strong K and Balkwill F (2022). Abstract 693: TGFβ-mediated targeting of the extracellular matrix enhances the migration and cytotoxicity of CAR-T cells in 3D models of ovarian cancer. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Research vol. 82, (12_Supplement) 693-693. 10.1158/1538-7445.am2022-693
Mulvey KL, McGuire L, Mathews C, Hoffman AJ, Law F, Joy A, Hartstone-Rose A, Winterbottom M, Balkwill F, Fields G, Butler L, Burns K, Drews M and Rutland A (2022). Preparing the Next Generation for STEM: Adolescent Profiles Encompassing Math and Science Motivation and Interpersonal Skills and Their Associations With Identity and Belonging. Sage Publications Youth & Society vol. 55, (6) 1207-1230. 10.1177/0044118x221085296
Candarlioglu PL, Dal Negro G, Hughes D, Balkwill F, Harris K, Screen H, Morgan H, David R, Beken S, Guenat O, Rowan W and Amour A (2022). Organ-on-a-chip: current gaps and future directions. Portland Press Biochemical Society Transactions vol. 50, (2) 665-673. 10.1042/BST20200661
Gopinathan G, Berlato C, Lakhani A, Szabova L, Pegrum C, Pedrosa A-R, Laforets F, Maniati E and Balkwill FR (2022). Immune mechanisms of resistance to cediranib in ovarian cancerDifferential response and resistance to cediranib in HGSOC. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Molecular Cancer Therapeutics vol. 21, (6) 1030-1043. 10.1158/1535-7163.mct-21-0689
Malacrida B, Pearce OMT and Balkwill FR (2022). Building in vitro 3D human multicellular models of high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Elsevier Star Protocols vol. 3, (1) 10.1016/j.xpro.2021.101086
Propper DJ and Balkwill FR (2022). Harnessing cytokines and chemokines for cancer therapy. Springer Nature Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology vol. 19, (4) 237-253. 10.1038/s41571-021-00588-9
Leonard NA, Reidy E, Thompson K, McDermott E, Peerani E, Bort ET, Balkwill FR, Loessner D and Ryan AE (2021). Stromal Cells Promote Matrix Deposition, Remodelling and an Immunosuppressive Tumour Microenvironment in a 3D Model of Colon Cancer. Mdpi Cancers vol. 13, (23) 10.3390/cancers13235998
Jangani M, Vuononvirta J, Yamani L, Ward E, Capasso M, Nadkarni S, Balkwill F and Marelli-Berg F (2021). Loss of mTORC2-induced metabolic reprogramming in monocytes uncouples migration and maturation from production of proinflammatory mediators. Oxford University Press (Oup) Journal of Leukocyte Biology vol. 111, (5) 967-980. 10.1002/jlb.1a0920-588r
Lecker LSM, Berlato C, Maniati E, Delaine-Smith R, Pearce OMT, Heath O, Nichols SJ, Trevisan C, Novak M, McDermott J, Brenton JD, Cutillas PR, Rajeeve V, Hennino A, Drapkin R, Loessner D and Balkwill FR (2021). TGFBI Production by Macrophages Contributes to an Immunosuppressive Microenvironment in Ovarian CancerTGFBI and Ovarian Cancer. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Research vol. 81, (22) 5706-5719. 10.1158/0008-5472.can-21-0536
McGuire L, Hoffman AJ, Mulvey KL, Winterbottom M, Balkwill F, Burns KP, Chatton M, Drews M, Eaves N, Fields GE, Joy A, Law F, Rutland A and Hartstone-Rose A (2021). Impact of Youth and Adult Informal Science Educators on Youth Learning at Exhibits. Taylor & Francis Visitor Studies vol. 25, (1) 41-59. 10.1080/10645578.2021.1930467
Malacrida B, Nichols S, Maniati E, Jones R, Delanie-Smith R, Roozitalab R, Tyler EJ, Thomas M, Boot G, Mackerodt J, Lockley M, Knight MM, Balkwill FR and Pearce OMT (2021). A human multi-cellular model shows how platelets drive production of diseased extracellular matrix and tissue invasion. Elsevier Iscience vol. 24, (6) 10.1016/j.isci.2021.102676
Delaine-Smith RM, Maniati E, Malacrida B, Nichols S, Roozitalab R, Jones RR, Lecker LSM, Pearce OMT, Knight MM and Balkwill FR (2021). Modelling TGFβR and Hh pathway regulation of prognostic matrisome molecules in ovarian cancer. Elsevier Iscience vol. 24, (6) 10.1016/j.isci.2021.102674
Heath O, Berlato C, Maniati E, Lakhani A, Pegrum C, Kotantaki P, Elorbany S, Böhm S, Barry ST, Annibaldi A, Barton DP and Balkwill FR (2021). Chemotherapy Induces Tumor-Associated Macrophages that Aid Adaptive Immune Responses in Ovarian Cancer. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Immunology Research vol. 9, (6) 665-681. 10.1158/2326-6066.cir-20-0968
Balkwill FR (2021). Cells are Us – combining research and public engagement. Springer Nature Nature Reviews Cancer vol. 21, (5) 277-278. 10.1038/s41568-021-00349-x
Colligan G, Tsocheva I, Scales J, Chavda J, Dove R, Kalsi H, Wood H, Cross L, Newby C, Hall A, Keating M, Petrovic K, Day B, Crichlow C, Keighley A, Thomson A, Tomini F, Balkwill F, Mihaylova B, Grigg J, van Sluijs E, Fletcher M, Mon-Williams M, Wright J, Beevers S, Randhawa G, Eldridge S, Sheikh A, Gauderman J and Kelly F (2021). Investigating the impact of London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone on children’s health: Children’s Health in London and Luton (CHILL): Protocol for a prospective parallel cohort study. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.02.04.21251049
Delaine-Smith R, Maniati E, Malacrida B, Nichols S, Roozitalab R, Jones R, Lecker L, Pearce O, Knight M and Balkwill F (2021). Modelling TGFβR and Hh pathway regulation of prognostic matrisome molecules in ovarian cancer., Editors: Balkwill F. Biorxiv.Org 10.1101/2021.02.01.428374
Delvecchio FR, Fincham REA, Spear S, Clear A, Roy-Luzarraga M, Balkwill FR, Gribben JG, Bombardieri M, Hodivala-Dilke K, Capasso M and Kocher HM (2021). Pancreatic Cancer Chemotherapy Is Potentiated by Induction of Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in Mice. Elsevier Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology vol. 12, (5) 1543-1565. 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2021.06.023
Netea MG, Balkwill F, Chonchol M, Cominelli F, Donath MY, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Golenbock D, Gresnigt MS, Heneka MT, Hoffman HM, Hotchkiss R, Joosten LAB, Kastner DL, Korte M, Latz E, Libby P, Mandrup-Poulsen T, Mantovani A, Mills KHG, Nowak KL, O’Neill LA, Pickkers P, van der Poll T, Ridker PM, Schalkwijk J, Schwartz DA, Siegmund B, Steer CJ, Tilg H and van der Meer JWM (2020). Author Correction: A guiding map for inflammation. Springer Nature Nature Immunology vol. 22, (2) 254-254. 10.1038/s41590-020-00846-5
Dreyer SB, Upstill-Goddard R, Paulus-Hock V, Paris C, Lampraki E-M, Dray E, Serrels B, Caligiuri G, Rebus S, Plenker D, Galluzzo Z, Brunton H, Cunningham R, Tesson M, Nourse C, Bailey U-M, Jones M, Moran-Jones K, Wright DW, Duthie F, Oien K, Evers L, McKay CJ, McGregor GA, Gulati A, Brough R, Bajrami I, Pettitt S, Dziubinski ML and Candido J (2020). Targeting DNA Damage Response and Replication Stress in Pancreatic Cancer. Elsevier Gastroenterology vol. 160, (1) 362-377.e13. 10.1053/j.gastro.2020.09.043
Mcclelland S, Tamura N, Shaikh N, Muliaditan D, Soliman T, McGuinness J, Maniati E, Moralli D, Durin M-A, Green C, Balkwill F, Wang J and Curtius K (2020). Specific mechanisms of chromosomal instability indicate therapeutic sensitivities in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. American Association For Cancer Research Cancer Research 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-19-0852
Marques P, Barry S, Carlsen E, Collier D, Ronaldson A, Awad S, Mendoza N, Muquit S, Dorward N, Grieve J, Balkwill F, Grossman AB and Korbonits M (2020). The role of the tumour microenvironment in pituitary adenoma angiogenesis. Bioscientifica Endocrine Abstracts 10.1530/endoabs.70.oc7.2
Hoffman AJ, McGuire L, Rutland A, Hartstone-Rose A, Irvin MJ, Winterbottom M, Balkwill F, Fields GE and Mulvey KL (2020). The Relations and Role of Social Competencies and Belonging with Math and Science Interest and Efficacy for Adolescents in Informal STEM Programs. Springer Nature Journal of Youth and Adolescence vol. 50, (2) 314-323. 10.1007/s10964-020-01302-1
Montfort A, Owen SJ, Piskorz AM, Supernat A, Moore L, Al-Khalidi S, Boehm S, Pharoah P, McDermott J, Balkwill FR and Brenton JD (2020). Abstract 4976: Combining measures of immune infiltration uncovers predictors of survival in high-grade serous ovarian cancer. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Research vol. 80, (16_Supplement) 4976-4976. 10.1158/1538-7445.am2020-4976
Balkwill FR (2020). A Darker Side to Retinoic Acid Revealed by Sarcomas. Massachusetts Medical Society New England Journal of Medicine vol. 383, (5) 491-493. 10.1056/nejmcibr2005538
Mulvey KL, McGuire L, Hoffman AJ, Goff E, Rutland A, Winterbottom M, Balkwill F, Irvin MJ, Fields GE, Burns K, Drews M, Law F, Joy A and Hartstone-Rose A (2020). Interest and learning in informal science learning sites: Differences in experiences with different types of educators. Public Library of Science (Plos) Plos One vol. 15, (7) 10.1371/journal.pone.0236279
Balkwill F (2020). Abstract IA15: Modeling the tumor microenvironment of high-grade serous ovarian cancer. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Clinical Cancer Research vol. 26, (13_Supplement) ia15-ia15. 10.1158/1557-3265.ovca19-ia15
Mulvey KL, McGuire L, Hoffman AJ, Hartstone‐Rose A, Winterbottom M, Balkwill F, Fields GE, Burns K, Drews M, Chatton M, Eaves N, Law F, Joy A and Rutland A (2020). Learning hand in hand: Engaging in research–practice partnerships to advance developmental science. Hindawi New Directions For Child and Adolescent Development vol. 2020, (172) 125-134. 10.1002/cad.20364
Whitehouse AL, Mushtaq N, Miyashita L, Barratt B, Khan A, Kalsi H, Koh L, Padovan MG, Brugha R, Balkwill FR, Stagg AJ and Grigg J (2020). Airway dendritic cell maturation in children exposed to air pollution. Public Library of Science (Plos) Plos One vol. 15, (5) e0232040-e0232040. 10.1371/journal.pone.0232040
Montfort A, Owen S, Piskorz AM, Supernat A, Moore L, Al-Khalidi S, Böhm S, Pharoah P, McDermott J, Balkwill FR and Brenton JD (2020). Combining measures of immune infiltration shows additive effect on survival prediction in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. Springer Nature [Academic Journals On Nature.Com] British Journal of Cancer 10.1038/s41416-020-0822-x
Demircioglu F, Wang J, Candido J, Costa ASH, Casado P, de Luxan Delgado B, Reynolds LE, Gomez-Escudero J, Newport E, Rajeeve V, Baker A-M, Roy-Luzarraga M, Graham TA, Foster J, Wang Y, Campbell JJ, Singh R, Zhang P, Schall TJ, Balkwill FR, Sosabowski J, Cutillas PR, Frezza C, Sancho P and Hodivala-Dilke K (2020). Cancer associated fibroblast FAK regulates malignant cell metabolism. Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) Nature Communications vol. 11, (1) 1290-1290. 10.1038/s41467-020-15104-3
Maniati E, Berlato C, Gopinathan G, Heath O, Kotantaki P, Lakhani A, McDermott J, Pegrum C, Delaine-Smith RM, Pearce OMT, Hirani P, Joyce JD, Szabova L, Perets R, Sansom OJ, Drapkin R, Bailey P and Balkwill F (2020). Mouse Ovarian Cancer Models Recapitulate the Human Tumor Microenvironment and Patient Response to Treatment. Elsevier Bv Ssrn Electronic Journal 10.2139/ssrn.3411253
Marques P, Barry S, Carlsen E, Collier D, Ronaldson A, Awad S, Dorward N, Grieve J, Mendoza N, Muquit S, Grossman AB, Balkwill F and Korbonits M (2019). Pituitary tumour fibroblast-derived cytokines influence tumour aggressiveness. Bioscientifica Endocrine Related Cancer vol. -1, (aop) 853-865. 10.1530/erc-19-0327
Marques P, Barry S, Carlsen E, Collier D, Ronaldson A, Awad S, Dorward N, Grieve J, Mendoza N, Muquit S, Grossman AB, Balkwill F and Korbonits M (2019). Chemokines modulate the tumour microenvironment in pituitary neuroendocrine tumours. Springer Nature Acta Neuropathologica Communications vol. 7, (1) 10.1186/s40478-019-0830-3
Marques P, Barry S, Carlsen E, Collier D, Ronaldson A, Awad S, Mendoza N, Dorward N, Grieve J, Balkwill F and Korbonits M (2019). Pituitary tumour-derived chemokines modulate immune cell infiltrates in the tumour microenvironment leading to aggressive phenotype. Bioscientifica Endocrine Abstracts 10.1530/endoabs.63.oc13.3
Marques P, Barry S, Carlsen E, Collier D, Ronaldson A, Awad S, Dorward N, Grieve J, Balkwill F and Korbonits M (2019). MON-462 Cytokine Network in Pituitary Adenomas and Its Role in the Tumor Microenvironment: Focus on Macrophages. The Endocrine Society Journal of The Endocrine Society vol. 3, (Supplement_1) mon-462. 10.1210/js.2019-mon-462
Marques P, Barry S, Carlsen E, Collier D, Ronaldson A, Awad S, Dorward N, Grieve J, Balkwill F and Korbonits M (2019). MON-460 Pasireotide Treatment Inhibits Cytokine Release from Pituitary Adenoma-Associated Fibroblasts: Is This Mechanism Playing a Key Role in Its Effect? The Endocrine Society Journal of The Endocrine Society vol. 3, (Supplement_1) mon-460. 10.1210/js.2019-mon-460
Bast RC, Matulonis UA, Sood AK, Ahmed AA, Amobi AE, Balkwill FR, Wielgos-Bonvallet M, Bowtell DDL, Brenton JD, Brugge JS, Coleman RL, Draetta GF, Doberstein K, Drapkin RI, Eckert MA, Edwards RP, Elias KM, Ennis D, Futreal A, Gershenson DM, Greenberg RA, Huntsman DG, Ji JXY, Kohn EC, Iavarone C, Lengyel ER, Levine DA, Lord CJ, Lu Z and Mills GB (2019). Critical questions in ovarian cancer research and treatment: Report of an American Association for Cancer Research Special Conference. Cancer vol. 125, (12) 1963-1972. 10.1002/cncr.32004
Spear S, Candido JB, McDermott JR, Ghirelli C, Maniati E, Beers SA, Balkwill FR, Kocher HM and Capasso M (2019). Discrepancies in the tumor microenvironment of spontaneous and orthotopic murine models of pancreatic cancer uncover a new immunostimulatory phenotype for B cells. Frontiers Media Frontiers in Immunology vol. 10, (MAR) 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00542
Naba A, Pearce OMT, Del Rosario A, Ma D, Ding H, Rajeeve V, Cutillas PR, Balkwill FR and Hynes RO (2018). Characterization of the Extracellular Matrix of Normal and Diseased Tissues Using Proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research vol. 16, (8) 3083-3091. 10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00191
Sanz-Moreno V and Balkwill FR (2018). Mets and NETs: The Awakening Force. Immunity vol. 49, (5) 798-800. 10.1016/j.immuni.2018.11.009
Candido JB, Morton JP, Bailey P, Campbell AD, Karim SA, Jamieson T, Lapienyte L, Gopinathan A, Clark W, McGhee EJ, Wang J, Escorcio-Correia M, Zollinger R, Roshani R, Drew L, Rishi L, Arkell R, Evans TRJ, Nixon C, Jodrell DI, Wilkinson RW, Biankin AV, Barry ST, Balkwill FR and Sansom OJ (2018). CSF1R+ Macrophages Sustain Pancreatic Tumor Growth through T Cell Suppression and Maintenance of Key Gene Programs that Define the Squamous Subtype. Elsevier Cell Reports vol. 23, (5) 1448-1460. 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.03.131
Malik STA and Balkwill FR (2018). Cytokines. The Nude Mouse in Oncology Research 10.1201/9781351077217
Pearce OMT, Delaine-Smith R, Maniati E, Nichols S, Wang J, Böhm S, Rajeeve V, Ullah D, Chakravarty P, Jones RR, Montfort A, Dowe T, Gribben J, Jones JL, Kocher HM, Serody JS, Vincent BG, Connelly J, Brenton JD, Chelala C, Cutillas PR, Lockley M, Bessant C, Knight M and Balkwill FR (2017). Deconstruction of a metastatic tumor microenvironment reveals a common matrix response in human cancers. Cancer Discov 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-17-0284
Netea MG, Balkwill F, Chonchol M, Cominelli F, Donath MY, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Golenbock D, Gresnigt MS, Heneka MT, Hoffman HM, Hotchkiss R, Joosten LAB, Kastner DL, Korte M, Latz E, Libby P, Mandrup-Poulsen T, Mantovani A, Mills KHG, Nowak KL, O'Neill LA, Pickkers P, van der Poll T, Ridker PM, Schalkwijk J, Schwartz DA, Siegmund B, Steer CJ, Tilg H and van der Meer JWM (2017). A guiding map for inflammation. Nat Immunol vol. 18, (8) 826-831. 10.1038/ni.3790
BALKWILL F, Berlato C, Khan MN, Schioppa T, Thompson R, Maniati E, Montfort A, Jangani M, Canosa M, Kulbe H, Hagemann U, Duncan A, Fletcher L, Wilkinson RW, Powles T and Quezada S (2017). A CCR4 antagonist reverses the tumor-promoting microenvironment of renal cancer. American Society For Clinical Investigation Journal of Clinical Investigation 10.1172/JCI82976
Walton J, Blagih J, Ennis D, Leung E, Dowson S, Farquharson M, Tookman LA, Orange C, Athineos D, Mason S, Stevenson D, Blyth K, Strathdee D, Balkwill FR, Vousden KH, Lockley M and McNeish IA (2016). CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Trp53 and Brca2 knockout to generate improved murine models of ovarian high grade serous carcinoma. American Association For Cancer Research Cancer Research 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1272
Delaine-Smith RM, Burney S, Balkwill FR and Knight MM (2016). Experimental validation of a flat punch indentation methodology calibrated against unconfined compression tests for determination of soft tissue biomechanics. Elsevier Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials vol. 60, 401-415. 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.02.019
Montfort A, Pearce OMT, Maniati E, Vincent B, Bixby LM, Bo hm S, Dowe T, Wilkes EH, Chakravarty P, Thompson R, Topping J, Cutillas PR, Lockley M, Serody JS, Capasso M and Balkwill FR (2016). A strong B cell response is part of the immune landscape in human high-grade serous ovarian metastases. American Association For Cancer Research Clinical Cancer Research 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-16-0081
Steele CW, Karim SA, Leach JDG, Bailey P, Upstill-Goddard R, Rishi L, Foth M, Bryson S, McDaid K, Wilson Z, Eberlein C, Candido JB, Clarke M, Nixon C, Connelly J, Jamieson N, Carter CR, Balkwill F, Chang DK, Evans TRJ, Strathdee D, Biankin AV, Nibbs RJB, Barry ST, Sansom OJ and Morton JP (2016). CXCR2 Inhibition Profoundly Suppresses Metastases and Augments Immunotherapy in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Elsevier (Cell Press) Cancer Cell vol. 29, (6) 832-845. 10.1016/j.ccell.2016.04.014
GROSE RP, Dawkins JBN, Wang J, maniati , heward , koniali , kocher , martin , chelala , balkwill and fitzgibbon (2016). Reduced expression of histone methyltransferases KMT2C and KMT2D correlates with improved outcome in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. American Association For Cancer Research Cancer Research 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-0481
BALKWILL F, Anne Montfort and Oliver Pearce (2016). Neoadjuvant chemotherapy modulates the immune microenvironment in metastases of tubo-ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma. American Association For Cancer Research Clinical Cancer Research 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-15-2657
Kulbe H, Iorio F, Chakravarty P, Milagre CS, Moore R, Thompson RG, Everitt G, Canosa M, Montoya A, Drygin D, Braicu I, Sehouli J, Saez-Rodriguez J, Cutillas PR and Balkwill FR (2016). Integrated transcriptomic and proteomic analysis identifies protein kinase CK2 as a key signaling node in an inflammatory cytokine network in ovarian cancer cells. Impact Journals Oncotarget vol. 7, (13) 15648-15661. 10.18632/oncotarget.7255
Walton J, Dowson S, Ennis D, Leung E, Farquharson M, Stevenson D, Blyth K, Strathdee D, Balkwill FR, Lockley M and McNeish IA (2016). Abstract B53: CRISPR/Cas9 mediated p53 and BRCA2 knockout to generate improved murine models of high grade serous ovarian cancer. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Clinical Cancer Research vol. 22, (2_Supplement) b53-b53. 10.1158/1557-3265.ovca15-b53
Bowtell DD, Böhm S, Ahmed AA, Aspuria P-J, Bast RC, Beral V, Berek JS, Birrer MJ, Blagden S, Bookman MA, Brenton JD, Chiappinelli KB, Martins FC, Coukos G, Drapkin R, Edmondson R, Fotopoulou C, Gabra H, Galon J, Gourley C, Heong V, Huntsman DG, Iwanicki M, Karlan BY, Kaye A, Lengyel E, Levine DA, Lu KH, McNeish IA and Menon U (2015). Rethinking ovarian cancer II: reducing mortality from high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Springer Nature Nature Reviews Cancer vol. 15, (11) 668-679. 10.1038/nrc4019
Balkwill F and Chambers K (2015). Centre of the Cell: Science Comes to Life. Public Library of Science (Plos) Plos Biology vol. 13, (9) 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002240
Gopinathan G, Milagre C, Pearce OMT, Reynolds LE, Hodivala-Dilke K, Leinster DA, Zhong H, Hollingsworth RE, Thompson R, Whiteford JR and Balkwill F (2015). Interleukin-6 Stimulates Defective Angiogenesis. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Research vol. 75, (15) 3098-3107. 10.1158/0008-5472.can-15-1227
Gopinathan G, Milagre C, Pearce OMT, Reynolds L, Hodivala-Dilke K, Leinster A, Zhong H, Hollingsworth RE, Thompson R, Whiteford JR and Balkwill F (2015). Abstract 4162: Interleukin–6 stimulates defective angiogenesis. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) 10.1158/1538-7445.am2015-4162
Crusz SM and Balkwill FR (2015). Inflammation and cancer: advances and new agents. Springer Nature Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology vol. 12, (10) 584-596. 10.1038/nrclinonc.2015.105
Milagre CS, Gopinathan G, Everitt G, Thompson RG, Kulbe H, Zhong H, Hollingsworth RE, Grose R, Bowtell DDL, Hochhauser D and Balkwill FR (2015). Adaptive Upregulation of EGFR Limits Attenuation of Tumor Growth by Neutralizing IL6 Antibodies, with Implications for Combined Therapy in Ovarian Cancer. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Research vol. 75, (7) 1255-1264. 10.1158/0008-5472.can-14-1801
Balkwill F (2015). Targeting inflammatory cytokines in cancer. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis vol. 32, (3) 183-183.
Rei M, Gonçalves-Sousa N, Lança T, Thompson RG, Mensurado S, Balkwill FR, Kulbe H, Pennington DJ and Silva-Santos B (2014). Murine CD27(-) Vγ6(+) γδ T cells producing IL-17A promote ovarian cancer growth via mobilization of protumor small peritoneal macrophages. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A vol. 111, (34) E3562-E3570. 10.1073/pnas.1403424111
Balkwill F (2014). 33: Targeting cancer-related inflammation. Elsevier European Journal of Cancer vol. 50, 10.1016/s0959-8049(14)50033-0
Karin M, Jobin C and Balkwill F (2014). Chemotherapy, immunity and microbiota--a new triumvirate? Nat Med vol. 20, (2) 126-127. 10.1038/nm.3473
Lau T-S, Chung TK-H, Cheung T-H, Chan LK-Y, Cheung LW-H, Yim S-F, Siu NS-S, Lo K-W, Yu MM-Y, Kulbe H, Balkwill FR and Kwong J (2014). Cancer cell-derived lymphotoxin mediates reciprocal tumour-stromal interactions in human ovarian cancer by inducing CXCL11 in fibroblasts. J Pathol vol. 232, (1) 43-56. 10.1002/path.4258
Whilding LM, Archibald KM, Kulbe H, Balkwill FR, Öberg D and McNeish IA (2013). Vaccinia virus induces programmed necrosis in ovarian cancer cells. Mol Ther vol. 21, (11) 2074-2086. 10.1038/mt.2013.195
Leinster DA, Colom B, Whiteford JR, Ennis DP, Lockley M, McNeish IA, Aurrand-Lions M, Chavakis T, Imhof BA, Balkwill FR and Nourshargh S (2013). Endothelial cell junctional adhesion molecule C plays a key role in the development of tumors in a murine model of ovarian cancer. Faseb J vol. 27, (10) 4244-4253. 10.1096/fj.13-230441
Balkwill F, Montfort A and Capasso M (2013). B regulatory cells in cancer. Trends Immunol vol. 34, (4) 169-173. 10.1016/
Sandhu SK, Papadopoulos K, Fong PC, Patnaik A, Messiou C, Olmos D, Wang G, Tromp BJ, Puchalski TA, Balkwill F, Berns B, Seetharam S, de Bono JS and Tolcher AW (2013). A first-in-human, first-in-class, phase I study of carlumab (CNTO 888), a human monoclonal antibody against CC-chemokine ligand 2 in patients with solid tumors. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol vol. 71, (4) 1041-1050. 10.1007/s00280-013-2099-8
Balkwill FR, Capasso M and Hagemann T (2012). The tumor microenvironment at a glance. J Cell Sci vol. 125, (Pt 23) 5591-5596. 10.1242/jcs.116392
Archibald KM, Kulbe H, Kwong J, Chakravarty P, Temple J, Chaplin T, Flak MB, McNeish IA, Deen S, Brenton JD, Young BD and Balkwill F (2012). Sequential genetic change at the TP53 and chemokine receptor CXCR4 locus during transformation of human ovarian surface epithelium. Oncogene vol. 31, (48) 4987-4995. 10.1038/onc.2011.653
Leinster DA, Kulbe H, Everitt G, Thompson R, Perretti M, Gavins FNE, Cooper D, Gould D, Ennis DP, Lockley M, McNeish IA, Nourshargh S and Balkwill FR (2012). The peritoneal tumour microenvironment of high-grade serous ovarian cancer. J Pathol vol. 227, (2) 136-145. 10.1002/path.4002
Affara NI, Ruffell B, Johansson M, Fujikawa K, Bergsland E, DeNardo DG, Chen HI, Wadhwani N, Steinhoff M, Truitt M, Olson P, Hanahan D, Li Y, Gong Q, Ma Y, Wiesen JF, Kim G, Tempero M, Balkwill F, Irving B and Coussens LM (2012). Abstract 4391: CD20 as a target for therapy in solid tumors. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Research vol. 72, (8_Supplement) 4391-4391. 10.1158/1538-7445.am2012-4391
Kulbe H, Chakravarty P, Moore R, Iorio F, Montoya A, Saez-Rodriguez J, Cutillas P and Balkwill F (2012). Abstract 49: Targeting the TNF network in human ovarian cancer - A systems biology approach. American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) Cancer Research vol. 72, (8_Supplement) 49-49. 10.1158/1538-7445.am2012-49
Stone RL, Nick AM, McNeish IA, Balkwill F, Han HD, Bottsford-Miller J, Rupairmoole R, Armaiz-Pena GN, Pecot CV, Coward J, Deavers MT, Vasquez HG, Urbauer D, Landen CN, Hu W, Gershenson H, Matsuo K, Shahzad MMK, King ER, Tekedereli I, Ozpolat B, Ahn EH, Bond VK, Wang R, Drew AF, Gushiken F, Lamkin D, Collins K, DeGeest K and Lutgendorf SK (2012). Paraneoplastic thrombocytosis in ovarian cancer. N Engl J Med vol. 366, (7) 610-618. 10.1056/NEJMoa1110352
Balkwill FR and Mantovani A (2012). Cancer-related inflammation: common themes and therapeutic opportunities. Semin Cancer Biol vol. 22, (1) 33-40. 10.1016/j.semcancer.2011.12.005
Balkwill FR (2012). The chemokine system and cancer. J Pathol vol. 226, (2) 148-157. 10.1002/path.3029
Kulbe H, Chakravarty P, Leinster DA, Charles KA, Kwong J, Thompson RG, Coward JI, Schioppa T, Robinson SC, Gallagher WM, Galletta L, Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group , Salako MA, Smyth JF, Hagemann T, Brennan DJ, Bowtell DD and Balkwill FR (2012). A dynamic inflammatory cytokine network in the human ovarian cancer microenvironment. Cancer Res vol. 72, (1) 66-75. 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-2178
Balkwill FR, Coward J, Kulbe H, Milagre C, Gopinathan G and McNeish IA (2011). IL-6 and ovarian cancer--response. Clin Cancer Res vol. 17, (24) 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-11-2680
Maniati E, Bossard M, Cook N, Candido JB, Emami-Shahri N, Nedospasov SA, Balkwill FR, Tuveson DA and Hagemann T (2011). Crosstalk between the canonical NF-κB and Notch signaling pathways inhibits Pparγ expression and promotes pancreatic cancer progression in mice. J Clin Invest vol. 121, (12) 4685-4699. 10.1172/JCI45797
Vaughan S, Coward JI, Bast RC, Berchuck A, Berek JS, Brenton JD, Coukos G, Crum CC, Drapkin R, Etemadmoghadam D, Friedlander M, Gabra H, Kaye SB, Lord CJ, Lengyel E, Levine DA, McNeish IA, Menon U, Mills GB, Nephew KP, Oza AM, Sood AK, Stronach EA, Walczak H, Bowtell DD and Balkwill FR (2011). Rethinking ovarian cancer: recommendations for improving outcomes. Nat Rev Cancer vol. 11, (10) 719-725. 10.1038/nrc3144
Coward J, Kulbe H, Chakravarty P, Leader D, Vassileva V, Leinster DA, Thompson R, Schioppa T, Nemeth J, Vermeulen J, Singh N, Avril N, Cummings J, Rexhepaj E, Jirström K, Gallagher WM, Brennan DJ, McNeish IA and Balkwill FR (2011). Interleukin-6 as a therapeutic target in human ovarian cancer. Clin Cancer Res vol. 17, (18) 6083-6096. 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-11-0945
Balkwill F, Whitehead S, Willis P, Gaymond N, Kent A, Page C, Lovell-Badge R, Morris R, Lemon R and Banks D (2011). Safety of medicines and the use of animals in research. Lancet vol. 378, (9786) 127-128. 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60984-7
Schioppa T, Moore R, Thompson RG, Rosser EC, Kulbe H, Nedospasov S, Mauri C, Coussens LM and Balkwill FR (2011). B regulatory cells and the tumor-promoting actions of TNF-α during squamous carcinogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A vol. 108, (26) 10662-10667. 10.1073/pnas.1100994108
Allan S and Balkwill F (2011). Translating science in more ways than one: an interview with Frances Balkwill. Dis Model Mech vol. 4, (3) 286-288. 10.1242/dmm.007898
Karlsen T and Kaser A (2011). Deciphering the Genetic Predisposition to Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. Thieme Seminars in Liver Disease vol. 31, (02) 188-207. 10.1055/s-0031-1276647
Anglesio MS, George J, Kulbe H, Friedlander M, Rischin D, Lemech C, Power J, Coward J, Cowin PA, House CM, Chakravarty P, Gorringe KL, Campbell IG, Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group , Okamoto A, Birrer MJ, Huntsman DG, de Fazio A, Kalloger SE, Balkwill F, Gilks CB and Bowtell DD (2011). IL6-STAT3-HIF signaling and therapeutic response to the angiogenesis inhibitor sunitinib in ovarian clear cell cancer. Clin Cancer Res vol. 17, (8) 2538-2548. 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-10-3314
Salako MA, Kulbe H, Ingemarsdotter CK, Pirlo KJ, Williams SL, Lockley M, Balkwill FR and McNeish IA (2011). Inhibition of the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α increases adenovirus activity in ovarian cancer via modulation of cIAP1/2 expression. Mol Ther vol. 19, (3) 490-499. 10.1038/mt.2010.247
Balkwill F and Joffroy C (2010). TNF: a tumor-suppressing factor or a tumor-promoting factor? Future Oncol vol. 6, (12) 1833-1836. 10.2217/fon.10.155
Coward J and Balkwill F (2010). Targeting Inflammatory Pathways in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Emerging Therapeutic Targets in Ovarian Cancer Springer Nature 10.1007/978-1-4419-7216-3_7
Balkwill F (2010). The Inflammatory Tissue Microenvironment and the Early Stages of Malignancy. Pre-Invasive Disease: Pathogenesis and Clinical Management Springer Nature 10.1007/978-1-4419-6694-0_2
Flak MB, Connell CM, Chelala C, Archibald K, Salako MA, Pirlo KJ, Lockley M, Wheatley SP, Balkwill FR and McNeish IA (2010). p21 Promotes oncolytic adenoviral activity in ovarian cancer and is a potential biomarker. Mol Cancer vol. 9, 10.1186/1476-4598-9-175
Toulza F, Nosaka K, Tanaka Y, Schioppa T, Balkwill F, Taylor GP and Bangham CRM (2010). Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1-induced CC chemokine ligand 22 maintains a high frequency of functional FoxP3+ regulatory T cells. J Immunol vol. 185, (1) 183-189. 10.4049/jimmunol.0903846
Workman P, Aboagye EO, Balkwill F, Balmain A, Bruder G, Chaplin DJ, Double JA, Everitt J, Farningham DAH, Glennie MJ, Kelland LR, Robinson V, Stratford IJ, Tozer GM, Watson S, Wedge SR, Eccles SA and Committee of the National Cancer Research Institute (2010). Guidelines for the welfare and use of animals in cancer research. Br J Cancer vol. 102, (11) 1555-1577. 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605642
Balkwill F and Mantovani A (2010). Cancer and inflammation: implications for pharmacology and therapeutics. Clin Pharmacol Ther vol. 87, (4) 401-406. 10.1038/clpt.2009.312
Saadi A, Shannon NB, Lao-Sirieix P, O'Donovan M, Walker E, Clemons NJ, Hardwick JS, Zhang C, Das M, Save V, Novelli M, Balkwill F and Fitzgerald RC (2010). Stromal genes discriminate preinvasive from invasive disease, predict outcome, and highlight inflammatory pathways in digestive cancers. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A vol. 107, (5) 2177-2182. 10.1073/pnas.0909797107
Balkwill F and Mantovani A (2010). Foreword. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev vol. 21, (1) 10.1016/j.cytogfr.2009.11.004
Charles KA, Kulbe H, Soper R, Escorcio-Correia M, Lawrence T, Schultheis A, Chakravarty P, Thompson RG, Kollias G, Smyth JF, Balkwill FR and Hagemann T (2009). The tumor-promoting actions of TNF-alpha involve TNFR1 and IL-17 in ovarian cancer in mice and humans. J Clin Invest vol. 119, (10) 3011-3023. 10.1172/JCI39065
Kwong J, Kulbe H, Wong D, Chakravarty P and Balkwill F (2009). An antagonist of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 induces mitotic catastrophe in ovarian cancer cells. Mol Cancer Ther vol. 8, (7) 1893-1905. 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-08-0966
Kwong J, Chan FL, Wong K-K, Birrer MJ, Archibald KM, Balkwill FR, Berkowitz RS and Mok SC (2009). Inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha confers precancerous phenotype in an organoid model of normal human ovarian surface epithelial cells. Neoplasia vol. 11, (6) 529-541. 10.1593/neo.09112
Balkwill F (2009). Tumour necrosis factor and cancer. Nat Rev Cancer vol. 9, (5) 361-371. 10.1038/nrc2628
Li NF, Kocher HM, Salako MA, Obermueller E, Sandle J and Balkwill F (2009). A novel function of colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor in hTERT immortalization of human epithelial cells. Oncogene vol. 28, (5) 773-780. 10.1038/onc.2008.412
Archibald K, Kwong J, Kulbe H, Young B and Balkwill F (2009). Spontaneously transformed hTERT immortalized human ovarian surface epithelial cells have a functional amplification of the CXCR4 gene locus. Cancer Research vol. 69,
Coward J, Quigley M, Leader D, Berns B, Balkwill F and McNeish I (2009). A Phase II study of intravenous CNT0328 in patients with recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer. Cancer Research vol. 69,
Schioppa T, Moore R, Thompson R, de Visser K, Coussens L and Balkwill F (2009). Role of B cell in two-stage skin carcinogenesis. Cancer Research vol. 69,
Mantovani A, Allavena P, Sica A and Balkwill F (2008). Cancer-related inflammation. Nature vol. 454, (7203) 436-444. 10.1038/nature07205
Brown ER, Charles KA, Hoare SA, Rye RL, Jodrell DI, Aird RE, Vora R, Prabhakar U, Nakada M, Corringham RE, DeWitte M, Sturgeon C, Propper D, Balkwill FR and Smyth JF (2008). A clinical study assessing the tolerability and biological effects of infliximab, a TNF-alpha inhibitor, in patients with advanced cancer. Ann Oncol vol. 19, (7) 1340-1346. 10.1093/annonc/mdn054
Hagemann T, Lawrence T, McNeish I, Charles KA, Kulbe H, Thompson RG, Robinson SC and Balkwill FR (2008). Re-educating tumor-associated macrophages by targeting NF-kappaB. J Exp Med vol. 205, (6) 1261-1268. 10.1084/jem.20080108
Ashworth A, Balkwill F, Bast RC, Berek JS, Kaye A, Boyd JA, Mills G, Weinstein JN, Woolley K and Workman P (2008). Opportunities and challenges in ovarian cancer research, a perspective from the 11th Ovarian cancer action/HHMT Forum, Lake Como, March 2007. Gynecol Oncol vol. 108, (3) 652-657. 10.1016/j.ygyno.2007.11.014
Karagiannis SN, Bracher MG, Beavil RL, Beavil AJ, Hunt J, McCloskey N, Thompson RG, East N, Burke F, Sutton BJ, Dombrowicz D, Balkwill FR and Gould HJ (2008). Role of IgE receptors in IgE antibody-dependent cytotoxicity and phagocytosis of ovarian tumor cells by human monocytic cells. Cancer Immunol Immun vol. 57, (2) 247-263. 10.1007/s00262-007-0371-7
Li NF, Broad S, Lu YJ, Yang JS, Watson R, Hagemann T, Wilbanks G, Jacobs I, Balkwill F, Dafou D and Gayther SA (2007). Human ovarian surface epithelial cells immortalized with hTERT maintain functional pRb and p53 expression. Cell Prolif vol. 40, (5) 780-794. 10.1111/j.1365-2184.2007.00462.x
Hagemann T, Balkwill F and Lawrence T (2007). Inflammation and cancer: A double-edged sword. Cancer Cell vol. 12, (4) 300-301. 10.1016/j.ccr.2007.10.005
Karagiannis SN, Bracher MG, Hunt J, McCloskey N, Beavil RL, Beavil AJ, Fear DJ, Thompson RG, East N, Burke F, Moore RJ, Dombrowicz DD, Balkwill FR and Gould HJ (2007). IgE-antibody-dependent immunotherapy of solid tumors: Cytotoxic and phagocytic mechanisms of eradication of ovarian cancer cells. J Immunol vol. 179, (5) 2832-2843. 10.4049/jimmunol.179.5.2832
Lawrence T, Hageman T and Balkwill F (2007). Cancer. Sex, cytokines, and cancer. Science vol. 317, (5834) 51-52. 10.1126/science.1146052
Szlosarek PW, Grimshaw MJ, Wilbanks GD, Hagemann T, Wilson JL, Burke F, Stamp G and Balkwill FR (2007). Aberrant regulation of argininosuccinate synthetase by TNF-alpha in human epithelial ovarian cancer. Int J Cancer vol. 121, (1) 6-11. 10.1002/ijc.22666
Hagemann T, Robinson SC, Thompson RG, Charles K, Kulbe H and Balkwill FR (2007). Ovarian cancer cell-derived migration inhibitory factor enhances tumor growth, progression, and angiogenesis. Mol Cancer Ther vol. 6, (7) 1993-2002. 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-07-0118
Kulbe H, Thompson R, Wilson JL, Robinson S, Hagemann T, Fatah R, Gould D, Ayhan A and Balkwill F (2007). The inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha generates an autocrine tumor-promoting network in epithelial ovarian cancer cells. Cancer Res vol. 67, (2) 585-592. 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-06-2941
Szlosarek PW, Klabatsa A, Pallaska A, Sheaff M, Smith P, Crook T, Grimshaw MJ, Steele JP, Rudd RM, Balkwill FR and Fennell DA (2006). In vivo loss of expression of argininosuccinate synthetase in malignant pleural mesothelioma is a biomarker for susceptibility to arginine depletion. Clin Cancer Res vol. 12, (23) 7126-7131. 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-06-1101
Mantovani A and Balkwill F (2006). RaIB signaling: A bridge between inflammation and cancer. Cell vol. 127, (1) 42-44. 10.1016/j.cell.2006.09.019
Balkwill F (2006). TNF-alpha in promotion and progression of cancer. Cancer Metastasis Rev vol. 25, (3) 409-416. 10.1007/s10555-006-9005-3
Strauss SJ, Maharaj L, Hoare S, Johnson PW, Radford JA, Vinnecombe S, Millard L, Rohatiner A, Boral A, Trehu E, Schenkein D, Balkwill F, Joel SP and Lister TA (2006). Bortezomib therapy in patients with relapsed or refractory lymphoma: potential correlation of in vitro sensitivity and tumor necrosis factor alpha response with clinical activity. J Clin Oncol vol. 24, (13) 2105-2112. 10.1200/JCO.2005.04.6789
Hagemann T, Wilson J, Burke F, Kulbe H, Li NF, Pluddemann A, Charles K, Gordon S and Balkwill FR (2006). Ovarian cancer cells polarize macrophages towards a tumor-associated phenotype. Med Klin vol. 101, (4) A44-A44.
Hagemann T, Wilson J, Burke F, Kulbe H, Li NF, Plüddemann A, Charles K, Gordon S and Balkwill FR (2006). Ovarian cancer cells polarize macrophages toward a tumor-associated phenotype. J Immunol vol. 176, (8) 5023-5032. 10.4049/jimmunol.176.8.5023
Balkwill F (2006). Cancer and inflammation. Eur J Cancer vol. 42, (6) 689-690. 10.1016/j.ejca.2006.03.002
Szlosarek P, Charles KA and Balkwill FR (2006). Tumour necrosis factor-alpha as a tumour promoter. Eur J Cancer vol. 42, (6) 745-750. 10.1016/j.ejca.2006.01.012
Balkwill FR, Ashworth A, Bast RC, Berek JS, Boyd J, Disis ML, Gabra H, Gore ME, Hamilton TC, Jacobs IJ, Kaye SB, Kohn EC, Mills GB and Urban ND (2006). 10th Biennial Helene Harris Memorial Trust meeting. Cancer Res vol. 66, (6) 2904-2906. 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-05-2093
Balkwill F (2006). Inflammation: a double-edged sword. Eur J Cancer vol. 42, (5) 571-571.
Szlosarek PW, Grimshaw MJ, Kulbe H, Wilson JL, Wilbanks GD, Burke F and Balkwill FR (2006). Expression and regulation of tumor necrosis factor alpha in normal and malignant ovarian epithelium. Mol Cancer Ther vol. 5, (2) 382-390. 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-05-0303
Balkwill F (2005). Book Review. Massachusetts Medical Society New England Journal of Medicine vol. 353, (22) 2413-2414. 10.1056/nejm200512013532222
Kulbe H, Hagemann T, Szlosarek PW, Balkwill FR and Wilson JL (2005). The inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha regulates chemokine receptor expression on ovarian cancer cells. Cancer Res vol. 65, (22) 10355-10362. 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-05-0957
Hagemann T and Balkwill F (2005). MIFed about cancer? Gastroenterology vol. 129, (5) 1785-1787. 10.1053/j.gastro.2005.09.039
Madhusudan S, Muthuramalingam SR, Braybrooke JP, Wilner S, Kaur K, Han C, Hoare S, Balkwill F and Ganesan TS (2005). Study of etanercept, a tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitor, in recurrent ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol vol. 23, (25) 5950-5959. 10.1200/JCO.2005.04.127
Hagemann T, Wilson J, Kulbe H, Li NF, Leinster DA, Charles K, Klemm F, Pukrop T, Binder C and Balkwill FR (2005). Macrophages induce invasiveness of epithelial cancer cells via NF-kappa B and JNK. J Immunol vol. 175, (2) 1197-1205. 10.4049/jimmunol.175.2.1197
Barton C, Davies D, Balkwill F and Burke F (2005). Involvement of both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways in IFN-gamma-induced apoptosis that are enhanced with cisplatin. Eur J Cancer vol. 41, (10) 1474-1486. 10.1016/j.ejca.2005.03.022
Balkwill F (2005). The language of life: How cells communicate in health and disease. Nature vol. 435, (7046) 1162-1162. 10.1038/4351162a
Balkwill F (2005). Immunology for the next generation. Nat Rev Immunol vol. 5, (6) 509-512. 10.1038/nri1628
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Balkwill F, Charles KA and Mantovani A (2005). Smoldering and polarized inflammation in the initiation and promotion of malignant disease. Cancer Cell vol. 7, (3) 211-217. 10.1016/j.ccr.2005.02.013
Madhusudan S, Foster M, Muthuramalingam SR, Braybrooke JP, Wilner S, Kaur K, Han C, Hoare S, Balkwill F, Talbot DC, Ganesan TS and Harris AL (2004). A phase II study of etanercept (Enbrel), a tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res vol. 10, (19) 6528-6534. 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-04-0730
Balkwill F and Coussens LM (2004). Cancer - An inflammatory link. Nature vol. 431, (7007) 405-406. 10.1038/431405a
Scott KA, Arnott CH, Robinson SC, Moore RJ, Thompson RG, Marshall JF and Balkwill FR (2004). TNF-alpha regulates epithelial expression of MMP-9 and integrin alphavbeta6 during tumour promotion. A role for TNF-alpha in keratinocyte migration? Oncogene vol. 23, (41) 6954-6966. 10.1038/sj.onc.1207915
Hagemann T, Robinson SC, Schulz M, Trümper L, Balkwill FR and Binder C (2004). Enhanced invasiveness of breast cancer cell lines upon co-cultivation with macrophages is due to TNF-alpha dependent up-regulation of matrix metalloproteases. Carcinogenesis vol. 25, (8) 1543-1549. 10.1093/carcin/bgh146
Jones PH, Christodoulos K, Dobbs N, Thavasu P, Balkwill F, Blann AD, Caine GJ, Kumar S, Kakkar AJ, Gompertz N, Talbot DC, Ganesan TS and Harris AL (2004). Combination antiangiogenesis therapy with marimastat, captopril and fragmin in patients with advanced cancer. Br J Cancer vol. 91, (1) 30-36. 10.1038/sj.bjc.6601897
Balkwill F (2004). Cancer and the chemokine network. Nat Rev Cancer vol. 4, (7) 540-550. 10.1038/nrc1388
Li NF, Wilbanks G, Balkwill F, Jacobs IJ, Dafou D and Gayther SA (2004). A modified medium that significantly improves the growth of human normal ovarian surface epithelial (OSE) cells in vitro. Lab Invest vol. 84, (7) 923-931. 10.1038/labinvest.3700093
Balkwill F (2004). The significance of cancer cell expression of the chemokine receptor CXCR4. Semin Cancer Biol vol. 14, (3) 171-179. 10.1016/j.semcancer.2003.10.003
Grimshaw MJ, Hagemann T, Ayhan A, Gillett CE, Binder C and Balkwill FR (2004). A role for endothelin-2 and its receptors in breast tumor cell invasion. Cancer Res vol. 64, (7) 2461-2468. 10.1158/0008-5472.can-03-1069
Arnott CH, Scott KA, Moore RJ, Robinson SC, Thompson RG and Balkwill FR (2004). Expression of both TNF-alpha receptor subtypes is essential for optimal skin tumour development. Oncogene vol. 23, (10) 1902-1910. 10.1038/sj.onc.1207317
Balkwill F, Bast RC, Berek J, Chenevix-Trench G, Gore M, Hamilton T, Jacobs I, Mills G, Souhami R, Urban N, Orsulic S and Smyth J (2004). Current research and treatment for epithelial ovarian cancer. A position paper from the Helene Harris Memorial Trust (vol 39, pg 1818, 2003). Eur J Cancer vol. 40, (4) 628-628. 10.1016/j.ejca.2003.11.005
Kulbe H, Levinson NR, Balkwill F and Wilson JL (2004). The chemokine network in cancer - much more than directing cell movement. Int J Dev Biol vol. 48, (5-6) 489-496. 10.1387/ijdb.041814hk
Szlosarek P and Balkwill F (2004). The inflammatory cytokine network of epithelial cancer: therapeutic implications. Novartis Found Symp vol. 256, 227-237. 10.1002/0470856734.ch17
Robinson SC, Scott KA, Wilson JL, Thompson RG, Proudfoot AEI and Balkwill FR (2003). A chemokine receptor antagonist inhibits experimental breast tumor growth. Cancer Res vol. 63, (23) 8360-8365.
Madhusudan S, Protheroe A, Propper D, Han C, Corrie P, Earl H, Hancock B, Vasey P, Turner A, Balkwill F, Hoare S and Harris AL (2003). A multicentre phase II trial of bryostatin-1 in patients with advanced renal cancer. Brit J Cancer vol. 89, (8) 1418-1422. 10.1038/sj.bjc.6601321
Szlosarek PW and Balkwill FR (2003). Tumour necrosis factor alpha: a potential target for the therapy of solid tumours. Lancet Oncol vol. 4, (9) 565-573. 10.1016/s1470-2045(03)01196-3
Balkwill F, Bast RC, Berek J, Chenevix-Trench G, Gore M, Hamilton T, Jacobs I, Mills G, Souhami R, Urban N, Orsulic S and Smyth J (2003). Current research and treatment for epithelial ovarian cancer. A Position Paper from the Helene Harris Memorial Trust. Eur J Cancer vol. 39, (13) 1818-1827. 10.1016/s0959-8049(03)00511-2
Wall L, Burke F, Barton C, Smyth J and Balkwill F (2003). IFN-gamma induces apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells in vivo and in vitro. Clin Cancer Res vol. 9, (7) 2487-2496.
Wall L, Burke F, Barton C, Smyth J and Balkwill F (2003). IFN-γ induces apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells in vivo and in vitro. Clinical Cancer Research vol. 9, (7) 2487-2496.
Scott KA, Moore RJ, Arnott CH, East N, Thompson RG, Scallon BJ, Shealy DJ and Balkwill FR (2003). An anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha antibody inhibits the development of experimental skin tumors. Mol Cancer Ther vol. 2, (5) 445-451.
Karagiannis SN, Wang Q, East N, Burke F, Riffard S, Bracher MG, Thompson RG, Durham SR, Schwartz LB, Balkwill FR and Gould HJ (2003). Activity of human monocytes in IgE antibody-dependent surveillance and killing of ovarian tumor cells. Eur J Immunol vol. 33, (4) 1030-1040. 10.1002/eji.200323185
Balkwill F (2003). Chemokine biology in cancer. Semin Immunol vol. 15, (1) 49-55. 10.1016/s1044-5323(02)00127-6
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Propper DJ, Chao D, Braybrooke JP, Bahl P, Thavasu P, Balkwill F, Turley H, Dobbs N, Gatter K, Talbot DC, Harris AL and Ganesan TS (2003). Low-dose IFN-gamma induces tumor MHC expression in metastatic malignant melanoma. Clin Cancer Res vol. 9, (1) 84-92.
Grimshaw MJ, Naylor S and Balkwill FR (2002). Endothelin-2 is a hypoxia-induced autocrine survival factor for breast tumor cells. Mol Cancer Ther vol. 1, (14) 1273-1281.
Scotton CJ, Wilson JL, Scott K, Stamp G, Wilbanks GD, Fricker S, Bridger G and Balkwill FR (2002). Multiple actions of the chemokine CXCL12 on epithelial tumor cells in human ovarian cancer. Cancer Res vol. 62, (20) 5930-5938.
Grimshaw MJ, Wilson JL and Balkwill FR (2002). Endothelin-2 is a macrophage chemoattractant: Implications for macrophage distribution in tumors. European Journal of Immunology vol. 32, (9) 2393-2400. 10.1002/1521-4141(200209)32:9<2393::AID-IMMU2393>3.0.CO;2-4
Grimshaw MJ, Wilson JL and Balkwill FR (2002). Endothelin-2 is a macrophage chemoattractant: implications for macrophage distribution in tumors. Eur J Immunol vol. 32, (9) 2393-2400. 10.1002/1521-4141(200209)32:9<2393::AID-IMMU2393>3.0.CO;2-4
Arnott CH, Scott KA, Moore RJ, Hewer A, Phillips DH, Parker P, Balkwill FR and Owens DM (2002). Tumour necrosis factor-alpha mediates tumour promotion via a PKC alpha- and AP-1-dependent pathway. Oncogene vol. 21, (31) 4728-4738. 10.1038/sj.onc.1205588
Balkwill F (2002). Cytokines and infections: good, bad and effective therapies? Elsevier Trends in Immunology vol. 23, (7) 10.1016/s1471-4906(02)02231-7
Forster MD, Braybrooke J, Madhusudan S, Kaur K, Hoare S, Balkwill F, Ganesan TS, Talbot D and Harris AL (2002). A phase II trial using etanercept, a recombinant tumour necrosis factor antagonist, in metastatic breast cancer. Brit J Cancer vol. 86, S38-S38.
Wall L, Burke F, Smyth J and Balkwill F (2002). Characterisation of the cell content of malignant ascites in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer and clinico-pathological correlations. Brit J Cancer vol. 86, S45-S46.
Milliken D, Scotton C, Raju S, Balkwill F and Wilson J (2002). Analysis of chemokines and chemokine receptor expression in ovarian cancer ascites. Clin Cancer Res vol. 8, (4) 1108-1114.
Balkwill F (2002). Tumor necrosis factor or tumor promoting factor? Cytokine Growth Factor Rev vol. 13, (2) 135-141. 10.1016/s1359-6101(01)00020-x
Wilson J and Balkwill F (2002). The role of cytokines in the epithelial cancer microenvironment. Semin Cancer Biol vol. 12, (2) 113-120. 10.1006/scbi.2001.0419
Robinson SC, Scott KA and Balkwill FR (2002). Chemokine stimulation of monocyte matrix metalloproteinase-9 requires endogenous TNF-α. European Journal of Immunology vol. 32, (2) 404-412. 10.1002/1521-4141(200202)32:2<404::AID-IMMU404>3.0.CO;2-X
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Balkwill F (2001). The science book. Nature vol. 414, (6866) 849-850. 10.1038/414849a
Scotton C, Milliken D, Wilson J, Raju S and Balkwill F (2001). Analysis of CC chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in solid ovarian tumours. Br J Cancer vol. 85, (6) 891-897. 10.1054/bjoc.2001.2020
Scotton CJ, Wilson JL, Milliken D, Stamp G and Balkwill FR (2001). Epithelial cancer cell migration: a role for chemokine receptors? Cancer Res vol. 61, (13) 4961-4965.
Grimsha MJ and Balkwill FR (2001). Inhibition of monocyte and macrophage chemotaxis by hypoxia and inflammation - A potential mechanism. Brit J Cancer vol. 85, 19-19.
Grimshaw MJ and Balkwill FR (2001). Inhibition of monocyte and macrophage chemotaxis by hypoxia and inflammation - A potential mechanism. European Journal of Immunology vol. 31, (2) 480-489. 10.1002/1521-4141(200102)31:2<480::AID-IMMU480>3.0.CO;2-L
Propper DJ, McDonald AC, Man A, Thavasu P, Balkwill F, Braybrooke JP, Caponigro F, Graf P, Dutreix C, Blackie R, Kaye SB, Ganesan TS, Talbot DC, Harris AL and Twelves C (2001). Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of PKC412, an inhibitor of protein kinase C. J Clin Oncol vol. 19, (5) 1485-1492. 10.1200/JCO.2001.19.5.1485
Balkwill F and Mantovani A (2001). Inflammation and cancer: back to Virchow? Lancet vol. 357, (9255) 539-545. 10.1016/S0140-6736(00)04046-0
Grimshaw MJ and Balkwill FR (2001). Inhibition of monocyte and macrophage chemotaxis by hypoxia and inflammation - a potential mechanism. Eur J Immunol vol. 31, (2) 480-489. 10.1002/1521-4141(200102)31:2<480::aid-immu480>;2-l
Jankowski JA, Harrison RF, Perry I, Balkwill F and Tselepis C (2000). Barrett's metaplasia. Lancet vol. 356, (9247) 2079-2085. 10.1016/S0140-6736(00)03411-5
Scott KA, Holdsworth H, Balkwill FR and Dias S (2000). Exploiting changes in the tumour microenvironment with sequential cytokine and matrix metalloprotease inhibitor treatment in a murine breast cancer model. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 83, (11) 1538-1543. 10.1054/bjoc.2000.1487
Balkwill FR (2000). Re: Possible Role of Ovarian Epithelial Inflammation in Ovarian Cancer. Oxford University Press (Oup) Journal of The National Cancer Institute vol. 92, (2) 162a-1163. 10.1093/jnci/92.2.162a
Sica A, Saccani A, Bottazzi B, Bernasconi S, Allavena P, Gaetano B, Fei F, LaRosa G, Scotton C, Balkwill F and Mantovani A (2000). Defective Expression of the Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 Receptor CCR2 in Macrophages Associated with Human Ovarian Carcinoma. The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology vol. 164, (2) 733-738. 10.4049/jimmunol.164.2.733
Balkwill F (1999). TNF biosynthesis in gut associated immunopathologies. Bmj Gut vol. 45, (4) 10.1136/gut.45.4.483
Moore RJ, Owens DM, Stamp G, Arnott C, Burke F, East N, Holdsworth H, Turner L, Rollins B, Pasparakis M, Kollias G and Balkwill F (1999). Erratum to “Mice deficient in tumor necrosis factor-α are resistant to skin carcinogenesis”. Springer Nature Nature Medicine vol. 5, (9) 1087-1087. 10.1038/12532
Thavasu P, Propper D, McDonald A, Dobbs N, Ganesan T, Talbot D, Braybrook J, Caponigro F, Hutchison C, Twelves C, Man A, Fabbro D, Harris A and Balkwill F (1999). The protein kinase C inhibitor CGP41251 suppresses cytokine release and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 expression in cancer patients. Cancer Research vol. 59, (16) 3980-3984.
Turner L, Scotton C, Negus R and Balkwill F (1999). Hypoxia inhibits macrophage migration. European Journal of Immunology vol. 29, (7) 2280-2287. 10.1002/(SICI)1521-4141(199907)29:07<2280::AID-IMMU2280>3.0.CO;2-C
Turner L, Scotton C, Negus R and Balkwill F (1999). Hypoxia inhibits macrophage migration. Wiley European Journal of Immunology vol. 29, (7) 2280-2287. 10.1002/(sici)1521-4141(199907)29:07<2280::aid-immu2280>;2-c
Moore RJ, Owens DM, Stamp G, Arnott C, Burke F, East N, Holdsworth H, Turner L, Rollins B, Pasparakis M, Kollias G and Balkwill F (1999). Mice deficient in tumor necrosis factor-α are resistant to skin carcinogenesis. Springer Nature Nature Medicine vol. 5, (7) 828-831. 10.1038/10552
Burke F, Smith PD, Crompton MR, Upton C and Balkwill FR (1999). Cytotoxic response of ovarian cancer cell lines to IFN-γ is associated with sustained induction of IRF-1 and p21 mRNA. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 80, (8) 1236-1244. 10.1038/sj.bjc.6690491
Boyd RS and Balkwill FR (1999). MMP-2 release and activation in ovarian carcinoma: the role of fibroblasts. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 80, (3-4) 315-321. 10.1038/sj.bjc.6690357
Dias S, Boyd R and Balkwill F (1998). IL‐12 regulates VEGF and MMPs in a murine breast cancer model. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 78, (3) 361-365. 10.1002/(sici)1097-0215(19981029)78:3<361::aid-ijc17>;2-9
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Leber T and Balkwill F (1998). Regulation of monocyte MMP-9 production by TNF-α and a tumour-derived soluble factor (MMPSF). Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 78, (6) 724-732. 10.1038/bjc.1998.568
Negus RPM, Turner L, Burke F and Balkwill FR (1998). Hypoxia down-regulates MCP-1 expression: implications for macrophage distribution in tumors. Oxford University Press (Oup) Journal of Leukocyte Biology vol. 63, (6) 758-765. 10.1002/jlb.63.6.758
Dias S, Thomas H and Balkwill F (1998). Multiple molecular and cellular changes associated with tumour stasis and regression during IL‐12 therapy of a murine breast cancer model. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 75, (1) 151-157. 10.1002/(sici)1097-0215(19980105)75:1<151::aid-ijc23>;2-i
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Balkwill F (1998). The molecular and cellular biology of the chemokines. Wiley Journal of Viral Hepatitis vol. 5, (1) 1-14. 10.1046/j.1365-2893.1998.00081.x
(1998). United Kingdom Co-ordinating Committee on Cancer Research (UKCCCR) Guidelines for the Welfare of Animals in Experimental Neoplasia (Second Edition). Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 77, (1) 1-10. 10.1038/bjc.1998.1
Balkwill F (1997). Cytokine amplification and inhibition of immune and inflammatory responses. Wiley Journal of Viral Hepatitis vol. 4, (s2) 6-15. 10.1111/j.1365-2893.1997.tb00175.x
Leber TM and Balkwill FR (1997). Zymography: A Single-Step Staining Method for Quantitation of Proteolytic Activity on Substrate Gels. Elsevier Analytical Biochemistry vol. 249, (1) 24-28. 10.1006/abio.1997.2170
Burke F, East N, Upton C, Patel K and Balkwill FR (1997). Interferon gamma induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in a model of ovarian cancer: Enhancement of effect by batimastat. Elsevier European Journal of Cancer vol. 33, (7) 1114-1121. 10.1016/s0959-8049(97)88065-3
Negus RP, Stamp GW, Hadley J and Balkwill FR (1997). Quantitative assessment of the leukocyte infiltrate in ovarian cancer and its relationship to the expression of C-C chemokines. American Journal of Pathology vol. 150, (5) 1723-1734.
Burke F and Balkwill FR (1996). Cytokines in animal models of cancer. Springer Nature Biotherapy vol. 8, (3-4) 229-241. 10.1007/bf01877209
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Negus RPM and Balkwill FR (1996). Cytokines in tumour growth, migration and metastasis. Springer Nature World Journal of Urology vol. 14, (3) 157-165. 10.1007/bf00186895
Balkwill FR (1996). Cytokines in Hemopoiesis, Oncology, and Immunology III. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 73, (5) 711-711. 10.1038/bjc.1996.124
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Thomas H, Hanby A, Smith R-A, Hagger P, Patel K, Raikundalia B, Camplejohn R and Balkwill F (1996). An inbred colony of oncogene transgenic mice: diversity of tumours and potential as a therapeutic model. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 73, (1) 65-72. 10.1038/bjc.1996.12
de Kossodo S, Moore R, Gschmeissner S, East N, Upton C and Balkwill F (1995). Changes in endogenous cytokines, adhesion molecules and platelets during cytokine-induced tumour necrosis. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 72, (5) 1165-1172. 10.1038/bjc.1995.481
Balkwill F (1995). Making sense. Springer Nature Nature vol. 378, (6554) 318-318. 10.1038/378318b0
Thomas H and Balkwill F (1995). Assessing new anti-tumour agents and strategies in oncogene transgenic mice. Springer Nature Cancer and Metastasis Reviews vol. 14, (2) 91-95. 10.1007/bf00665793
Burger D and Dayer J-M (1995). Inhibitory cytokines and cytokine inhibitors. Wolters Kluwer Neurology vol. 45, (6) s39-s43. 10.1212/wnl.45.6_suppl_6.s39
Negus RP, Stamp GW, Relf MG, Burke F, Malik ST, Bernasconi S, Allavena P, Sozzani S, Mantovani A and Balkwill FR (1995). The detection and localization of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) in human ovarian cancer. American Society For Clinical Investigation Journal of Clinical Investigation vol. 95, (5) 2391-2396. 10.1172/jci117933
Burke F, Knowles RG, East N and Balkwill FR (1995). THE role of indoleamine 2,3‐dioxygenase in the anti‐tumour activity of human interferon‐γ in vivo. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 60, (1) 115-122. 10.1002/ijc.2910600117
Thavasu PW, Ganjoo RK, Maidment SA, Love SB, Williams AH, Malplas JS and Balkwill FR (1995). Multiple myeloma: An immunoclinical study of disease and response to treatment. Wiley Hematological Oncology vol. 13, (2) 69-82. 10.1002/hon.2900130204
Balkwill F (1995). Tumour necrosis factor in ovarian cancer. Interferons and Cytokines (26) 6-8.
Naylor MS, Stamp GW, Davies BD and Balkwill FR (1994). Expression and activity of MMPS and their regulators in ovarian cancer. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 58, (1) 50-56. 10.1002/ijc.2910580110
MILES D, THOMSEN L, BALKWILL F, THAVASU P and MONCADA S (1994). Association between biosynthesis of nitric oxide and changes in immunological and vascular parameters in patients treated with interleukin‐2. Wiley European Journal of Clinical Investigation vol. 24, (4) 287-290. 10.1111/j.1365-2362.1994.tb01087.x
Miles DW, Happerfield LC, Naylor MS, Bobrow LG, Rubens RD and Balkwwill FR (1994). Expression of tumour necrosis factor (TNFα) and its receptors in benign and malignant breast tissue. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 56, (6) 777-782. 10.1002/ijc.2910560603
Balkwill FR (1994). Cytokine therapy of cancer. The importance of knowing the context. European Cytokine Network vol. 5, (4) 379-385.
Thomas H and Balkwill FR (1994). Oncogene transgenic mice as therapeutic models in cancer research. Elsevier European Journal of Cancer vol. 30, (4) 533-537. 10.1016/0959-8049(94)90434-0
Philip PA, Rea D, Thavasu P, Carmichael J, Stuart NSA, Rockett H, Talbot DC, Ganesan T, Pettit GR, Balkwill F and Harris AL (1993). Phase I Study of Bryostatin 1: Assessment of Interleukin 6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor α Induction In Vivo. Oxford University Press (Oup) Journal of The National Cancer Institute vol. 85, (22) 1812-1818. 10.1093/jnci/85.22.1812
Davies B, Waxman J, Wasan H, Abel P, Williams G, Krausz T, Neal D, Thomas D, Hanby A and Balkwill F (1993). Levels of matrix metalloproteases in bladder cancer correlate with tumor grade and invasion. Cancer Research vol. 53, (22) 5365-5369.
Davies B, Miles D, Happerfield L, Naylor M, Bobrow L, Rubens R and Balkwill F (1993). Activity of type IV collagenases in benign and malignant breast disease. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 67, (5) 1126-1131. 10.1038/bjc.1993.207
Davies B, Brown PD, East N, Crimmin MJ and Balkwill FR (1993). A synthetic matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor decreases tumor burden and prolongs survival of mice bearing human ovarian carcinoma xenografts. Cancer Research vol. 53, (9) 2087-2091.
Naylor MS, Stamp GW, Foulkes WD, Eccles D and Balkwill FR (1993). Tumor necrosis factor and its receptors in human ovarian cancer. Potential role in disease progression. American Society For Clinical Investigation Journal of Clinical Investigation vol. 91, (5) 2194-2206. 10.1172/jci116446
Burke F, Naylor MS, Davies B and Balkwill F (1993). The cytokine wall chart. Elsevier Trends in Immunology vol. 14, (4) 10.1016/0167-5699(93)90280-x
Taylor-Papadimitriou J and Balkwill F (1993). Fusion potential for vaccines. Springer Nature Nature vol. 362, (6422) 695-695. 10.1038/362695a0
Saraya K and Balkwill F (1993). Temporal sequence and cellular origin of interleukin-2 stimulated cytokine gene expression. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 67, (3) 514-521. 10.1038/bjc.1993.96
Balkwill F (1993). Improving on the formula. Nature vol. 361, (6409) 206-207. 10.1038/361206a0
Balkwill F (1993). Cytokines in health and disease. Immunology Today vol. 14, (4) 149-150. 10.1016/0167-5699(93)90228-D
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Burke F, Griffin D, Elwood N, Davis C, Stamp G, Rohatiner A, Lister TA and Balkwill F (1993). The effect of cytokines on cultured mononuclear cells from patients with B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Wiley Hematological Oncology vol. 11, (1) 23-33. 10.1002/hon.2900110104
Miles D, Aderka D, Engelmann H, Wallach D and Balkwill F (1992). Induction of soluble tumour necrosis factor receptors during treatment with interleukin-2. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 66, (6) 1195-1199. 10.1038/bjc.1992.435
Thavasu PW, Longhurst S, Joel SP, Slevin ML and Balkwill FR (1992). Measuring cytokine levels in blood Importance of anticoagulants, processing, and storage conditions. Elsevier Journal of Immunological Methods vol. 153, (1-2) 115-124. 10.1016/0022-1759(92)90313-i
Naylor MS, Stamp GW and Balkwill FR (1992). Beta actin expression and organization of actin filaments in colorectal neoplasia. Epithelial Cell Biology vol. 1, (3) 99-104.
Malik ST, East N, Boraschi D and Balkwill F (1992). Effects of intraperitoneal recombinant interleukin-1 β in intraperitoneal human ovarian cancer xenograft models: comparison with the effects of tumour necrosis factor. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 65, (5) 661-666. 10.1038/bjc.1992.141
Balkwill FR (1992). Tumour necrosis factor and cancer. Elsevier Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews vol. 4, (2) 121-137. 10.1016/0955-2235(92)90027-f
Malik ST and Balkwill FR (1992). Antiproliferative and antitumor activity of TNF in vitro and in vivo. Immunology Series vol. 56, 239-268.
Malik ST, Knowles RG, East N, Lando D, Stamp G and Balkwill FR (1991). Antitumor activity of gamma-interferon in ascitic and solid tumor models of human ovarian cancer. Cancer Research vol. 51, (24) 6643-6649.
Thomas H and Balkwill FR (1991). Effects of interferons and other cytokines on tumors in animals: A review. Elsevier Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol. 52, (3) 307-330. 10.1016/0163-7258(91)90030-p
Miles DW, Longhurst SJ, Harper PG and Balkwill FR (1991). Toxicity and reconstitution of recombinant interleukin-2 with albumin. Elsevier The Lancet vol. 338, (8780) 10.1016/0140-6736(91)92770-3
Malik S and Balkwill F (1991). Epithelial ovarian cancer: a cytokine propelled disease? Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 64, (4) 617-620. 10.1038/bjc.1991.372
Kelly SA, Gschmeissner S, East N and Balkwill FR (1991). Enhancement of metastatic potential by gamma-interferon. Cancer Research vol. 51, (15) 4020-4027.
Stanley LA, Adams DJ, Balkwill FR, Griffin D and Wolf CR (1991). Differential effects of recombinant interferon α on constitutive and inducible cytochrome P450 isozymes in mouse liver. Elsevier Biochemical Pharmacology vol. 42, (2) 311-320. 10.1016/0006-2952(91)90718-k
Lagadec PF, Saraya KA and Balkwill FR (1991). Human small‐cell lung‐cancer cells are cytokine‐resistant but NK/LAK‐sensitive. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 48, (2) 311-317. 10.1002/ijc.2910480226
Malik S, Martin D, Hart I and Balkwill F (1991). Therapy of human ovarian cancer xenografts with intraperitoneal liposome encapsulated muramyl-tripeptide phosphoethanolamine (MTP-PE) and recombinant GM-CSF. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 63, (3) 399-403. 10.1038/bjc.1991.92
Naylor MS, Stamp GW and Balkwill FR (1990). Investigation of cytokine gene expression in human colorectal cancer. Cancer Research vol. 50, (14) 4436-4440.
Miles D, Bird C, Wadhwa M, Summerhayes M, Balkwill F, Thorpe R and Rubens R (1990). Reconstitution of interleukin 2 with albumin for infusion. Elsevier The Lancet vol. 335, (8705) 1602-1603. 10.1016/0140-6736(90)91439-h
Naylor MS, Malik STA, Stamp GWH, Jobling T and Balkwill FR (1990). In situ detection of tumour necrosis factor in human ovarian cancer specimens. Elsevier European Journal of Cancer vol. 26, (10) 1027-1030. 10.1016/0277-5379(90)90043-s
Malik STA, Naylor MS, East N, Oliff A and Balkwill FR (1990). Cells secreting tumour necrosis factor show enhanced metastasis in nude mice. Elsevier European Journal of Cancer vol. 26, (10) 1031-1034. 10.1016/0277-5379(90)90044-t
Balkwill FR, Naylor MS and Malik S (1990). Tumour necrosis factor as an anticancer agent. Elsevier European Journal of Cancer vol. 26, (5) 641-644. 10.1016/0277-5379(90)90097-d
Malik ST, Griffin DB, Naylor MS, Fiers W, Oliff A and Balkwill FR (1990). The complex effects of recombinant tumour necrosis factor-alpha (rhTNF-alpha) in human ovarian cancer xenograft models. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research vol. 349, 393-403.
Malik STA, Griffin DB, Fiers W and Balkwill FR (1989). Paradoxical effects of tumour necrosis factor in experimental ovarian cancer. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 44, (5) 918-925. 10.1002/ijc.2910440529
Balkwill FR, Griffin DB and Lee AE (1989). Interferons alpha and gamma differ in their ability to cause tumour stasis and regression in vivo. Elsevier European Journal of Cancer vol. 25, (10) 1481-1486. 10.1016/0277-5379(89)90108-9
Balkwill FR and Burke F (1989). The cytokine network. Elsevier Trends in Immunology vol. 10, (9) 299-304. 10.1016/0167-5699(89)90085-6
Stebbings WSL, Vinson GP, Farthing MJG, Balkwill F and Wood RFM (1989). Effect of steroid hormones on human colorectal adenocarcinoma xenografts, of known steroid-receptor status, in nude mice. Springer Nature Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology vol. 115, (5) 439-444. 10.1007/bf00393333
Balkwill F (1989). INTERFERONS. Elsevier The Lancet vol. 333, (8646) 1060-1063. 10.1016/s0140-6736(89)92455-0
Ramani P and Balkwill FR (1989). Action of recombinant alpha interferon against experimental and spontaneous metastases in a murine model. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 43, (1) 140-146. 10.1002/ijc.2910430126
Balkwill FR (1989). Tumour necrosis factor. Oxford University Press (Oup) British Medical Bulletin vol. 45, (2) 389-400. 10.1093/oxfordjournals.bmb.a072330
Fiers W and Balkwill FR (1989). Future prospects and problems. Cancer Surveys vol. 8, (4) 921-927.
Kelly SA, Malik ST and Balkwill FR (1989). The relevance of animal tumour models to the preclinical screening of cytokines. Cancer Surveys vol. 8, (4) 741-754.
Balkwill F (1988). Cytokines — soluble factors in immune responses. Elsevier Current Opinion in Immunology vol. 1, (2) 241-249. 10.1016/0952-7915(88)90008-8
Ramani P and Balkwill F (1988). Human interferons inhibit experimental metastases of a human melanoma cell line in nude mice. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 58, (3) 350-354. 10.1038/bjc.1988.217
Fentiman IS, Balkwill FR, Thomas BS, Russell MJ, Todd I and Bottazzo GF (1988). An autoimmune aetiology for hypothyroidism following interferon therapy for breast cancer. Elsevier European Journal of Cancer vol. 24, (8) 1299-1303. 10.1016/0277-5379(88)90219-2
Malik S and Balkwill FR (1988). Tumour necrosis factor. Bmj The Bmj vol. 296, (6631) 10.1136/bmj.296.6631.1214
Malik S and Balkwill F (1988). The anti-cancer activity of tumour necrosis factor. Research in Immunology vol. 139, (3) 285-288.
Ramani P and Balkwill FR (1987). Enhanced metastases of a mouse carcinoma after in vitro treatment with murine interferon gamma. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 40, (6) 830-834. 10.1002/ijc.2910400621
Balkwill F, Burke F, Talbot D, Tavernier J, Osborne R, Naylor S, Durbin H and Fiers W (1987). EVIDENCE FOR TUMOUR NECROSIS FACTOR/CACHECTIN PRODUCTION IN CANCER. Elsevier The Lancet vol. 330, (8570) 1229-1232. 10.1016/s0140-6736(87)91850-2
Tilles JG, Balkwill F and Davilla J (1987). 2′,5′-Oligoadenylate Synthetase and Interferon in Peripheral Blood after Rubella, Measles, or Mumps Live Virus Vaccine. Frontiers Experimental Biology and Medicine vol. 186, (1) 70-74. 10.3181/00379727-186-42586
Fentiman IS, Balkwill FR, Cuzick J, Hayward JL and Rubens RD (1987). A trial of human alpha interferon as an adjuvant agent in breast cancer after loco-regional recurrence. European Journal of Surgical Oncology vol. 13, (5) 425-428.
Balkwill FR, Ward BG, Moodie E and Fiers W (1987). Therapeutic potential of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and gamma-interferon in experimental human ovarian cancer. Cancer Research vol. 47, (18) 4755-4758.
Balkwill FR and Smyth JF (1987). INTERFERONS IN CANCER THERAPY: A REAPPRAISAL. Elsevier The Lancet vol. 330, (8554) 317-319. 10.1016/s0140-6736(87)90901-9
Smyth JF, Balkwill FR, Cavalli F, Kimchi A, Mattson K, Niederle NE and Spiegel RJ (1987). Interferons in oncology: Current status and future directions. Elsevier European Journal of Cancer vol. 23, (6) 887-889. 10.1016/0277-5379(87)90298-7
Dealtry GB, Naylor MS, Fiers W and Balkwill FR (1987). The effect of recombinant human tumour necrosis factor on growth and macromolecular synthesis of human epithelial cells. Elsevier Experimental Cell Research vol. 170, (2) 428-438. 10.1016/0014-4827(87)90318-1
Ward BG, Wallace K, Shepherd JH and Balkwill FR (1987). Intraperitoneal xenografts of human epithelial ovarian cancer in nude mice. Cancer Research vol. 47, (10) 2662-2667.
Adams DJ, Balkwill FR, Griffin DB, Hayes JD, Lewis AD and Wolf CR (1987). Induction and suppression of glutathione transferases by interferon in the mouse. Elsevier Journal of Biological Chemistry vol. 262, (10) 4888-4892. 10.1016/s0021-9258(18)61279-7
Dealtry GB, Naylor MS, Fiers W and Balkwill FR (1987). DNA fragmentation and cytotoxicity caused by tumor necrosis factor is enhanced by interferon‐γ. Wiley European Journal of Immunology vol. 17, (5) 689-693. 10.1002/eji.1830170517
Balkwill FR, Ward BG and Fiers W (1987). Effects of Tumour Necrosis Factor on Human Tumour Xenografts in Nude Mice. Wiley Novartis Foundation Symposia vol. 131, 154-169. 10.1002/9780470513521.ch11
Balkwill FR, Stevens MH, Griffin DB, Thomas JA and Bodmer JG (1987). Interferon gamma regulates HLA-D expression on solid tumors in vivo. Elsevier European Journal of Cancer vol. 23, (1) 101-106. 10.1016/0277-5379(87)90426-3
Rowlinson G, Balkwill F, Snook D, Hooker G and Epenetos AA (1986). Enhancement by gamma-interferon of in vivo tumor radiolocalization by a monoclonal antibody against HLA-DR antigen. Cancer Research vol. 46, (12 Pt 1) 6413-6417.
Carmichael J, Fergusson RJ, Wolf CR, Balkwill FR and Smyth JF (1986). Augmentation of cytotoxicity of chemotherapy by human alpha-interferons in human non-small cell lung cancer xenografts. Cancer Research vol. 46, (10) 4916-4920.
Balkwill FR and Proietti E (1986). Effects of mouse interferon on human tumour xenografts in the nude mouse host. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 38, (3) 375-380. 10.1002/ijc.2910380312
Balkwill FR (1986). Interferons: from molecular biology to man. Part 3. Interferons and disease. Microbiological Sciences vol. 3, (9) 281-284.
Balkwill FR (1986). Interferons: from molecular biology to man. Part 2. Interferons and cell function. Microbiological Sciences vol. 3, (8) 229-233.
Balkwill FR, Lee A, Aldam G, Moodie E, Thomas JA, Tavernier J and Fiers W (1986). Human tumor xenografts treated with recombinant human tumor necrosis factor alone or in combination with interferons. Cancer Research vol. 46, (8) 3990-3993.
Balkwill FR (1986). Interferons: from molecular biology to man. Part 1. Genetics and molecular biology of the interferon system. Microbiological Sciences vol. 3, (7) 212-215.
Ramani P, Hart IR and Balkwill FR (1986). The effect of interferon on experimental metastases in immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 37, (4) 563-568. 10.1002/ijc.2910370415
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Taylor-Papadimitriou J, Balkwill F, Ebsworth N and Rozengurt E (1985). Antiviral and antiproliferative effects of interferons in quiescent fibroblasts are dissociable. Elsevier Virology vol. 147, (2) 405-412. 10.1016/0042-6822(85)90142-4
Balkwill FR, Goldstein L and Stebbing N (1985). Differential action of six human interferons against two human carcinomas growing in nude mice. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 35, (5) 613-617. 10.1002/ijc.2910350508
Fentiman IS, Thomas BS, Balkwill FR, Rubens RD and Hayward JL (1985). PRIMARY HYPOTHYROIDISM ASSOCIATED WITH INTERFERON THERAPY OF BREAST CANCER. Elsevier The Lancet vol. 325, (8438) 10.1016/s0140-6736(85)92475-4
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Rohatiner AZS, Prior P, Burton A, Balkwill F and Lister TA (1985). Central Nervous System Toxicity of Interferon. Karger Publishers Progress in Tumor Research vol. 29, 197-202. 10.1159/000411640
Padmanabhan N, Balkwill FR, Bodmer JG and Rubens RD (1985). Recombinant DNA human interferon alpha 2 in advanced breast cancer: A phase 2 trial. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 51, (1) 55-60. 10.1038/bjc.1985.8
Shearer M, Taylor-Papadimitriou J, Griffin D and Balkwill F (1984). Monoclonal antibodies that distinguish between subspecies of human interferon-alpha and that detect interferon oligomers. The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology vol. 133, (6) 3096-3101. 10.4049/jimmunol.133.6.3096
Balkwill FR, Mowshowitz S, Seilman SS, Moodie EM, Griffin DB, Fantes KH and Wolf CR (1984). Positive interactions between interferon and chemotherapy due to direct tumor action rather than effects on host drug-metabolizing enzymes. Cancer Research vol. 44, (11) 5249-5255.
Balkwill FR and Bokhon'ko AI (1984). Differential effects of pure human alpha and gamma interferons on fibroblast cell growth and the cell cycle. Elsevier Experimental Cell Research vol. 155, (1) 190-197. 10.1016/0014-4827(84)90780-8
Balkwill FR and Moodie EM (1984). Positive interactions between human interferon and cyclophosphamide or adriamycin in a human tumor model system. Cancer Research vol. 44, (3) 904-908.
Borden EC and Balkwill FR (1984). Preclinical and clinical studies of interferons and interferon inducers in breast cancer. Wiley Cancer vol. 53, (S3) 783-789. 10.1002/1097-0142(19840201)53:3+<783::aid-cncr2820531329>;2-i
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Rohatiner AZS, Balkwill FR, Malpas JS and Lister TA (1983). Experience with human lymphoblastoid interferon in acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML). Springer Nature Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology vol. 11, (1) 56-58. 10.1007/bf00257419
Rohatiner AZ, Prior PF, Burton AC, Smith AT, Balkwill FR and Lister TA (1983). Central nervous system toxicity of interferon. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 47, (3) 419-422. 10.1038/bjc.1983.63
Balkwill F, Griffin D, Band H and Beverley P (1983). Immune human lymphocytes produce an acid-labile α-interferon. Rockefeller University Press Journal of Experimental Medicine vol. 157, (3) 1059-1063. 10.1084/jem.157.3.1059
Rohatiner AZS, Balkwill F and Lister TA (1983). Interferon in Acute Myelogenous Leukaemia: A Preliminary Report. Springer Nature 10.1007/978-3-642-68761-7_11
McCance DJ, Sebesteny A, Griffin BE, Balkwill F, Tilly R and Gregson NA (1983). A Paralytic Disease in Nude Mice Associated with Polyoma Virus Infection. Microbiology Society Journal of General Virology vol. 64, (1) 57-67. 10.1099/0022-1317-64-1-57
BALKWILL FR, MOODIE EM, FREEDMAN V, LANE EB and FANTES KH (1983). An Animal Model System for Investigating the AntiTumor Effects of Human Interferon. Mary Ann Liebert Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research vol. 3, (3) 319-326. 10.1089/jir.1983.3.319
Taylor-Papadimitriou J and Balkwill FR (1982). Implications for clinical application of new developments in interferon research. Elsevier Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta vol. 695, (1) 49-67. 10.1016/0304-419x(82)90006-3
Balkwill FR, Moodie EM, Freedman V and Fantes KH (1982). Human interferon inhibits the growth of established human breast tumours in the nude mouse. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 30, (2) 231-235. 10.1002/ijc.2910300217
SILVERMAN RH, WATLING D, BALKWILL FR, TROWSDALE J and KERR IM (1982). The ppp(A2′p)nA and Protein Kinase Systems in Wild‐Type and Interferon‐Resistant Daudi Cells. Wiley The Febs Journal vol. 126, (2) 333-341. 10.1111/j.1432-1033.1982.tb06783.x
TAYLOR-PAPADIMITRIOU J, SHEARER M, BALKWILL FR and FANTES KH (1982). Effects of HuIFN-α2 and HuIFN-α (Namalwa) on Breast Cancer Cells Grown in Culture and as Xenografts in the Nude Mouse. Mary Ann Liebert Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research vol. 2, (4) 479-491. 10.1089/jir.1982.2.479
Rohatiner AZS, Balkwill FR, Griffin DB, Malpas JS and Lister TA (1982). A phase I study of human lymphoblastoid interferon administered by continuous intravenous infusion. Springer Nature Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology vol. 9, (2) 97-102. 10.1007/bf00265387
Balkwill FH (1981). Extracts from the last century. Mechanical dentistry--on regulation cases by F.H. Balkwill. Springer Nature British Dental Journal vol. 151, (1) 19-19. 10.1038/sj.bdj.4804620
Hogg N and Balkwill FR (1981). Species restriction in cytostatic activity of human and murine monocytes and macrophages. Immunology vol. 43, (1) 197-204.
Rohatiner A, Balkwill F, Malpas JS and Lister TA (1981). A Phase I Study of Human Lymphoblastoid Interferon in Patients with Hematological Malignancies. Springer Nature 10.1007/978-3-642-67984-1_9
Rohatiner AZS, Balkwill F, Malpas JS and Lister TA (1981). A phase I study of intravenous human lymphoblastoid interferon (HLBI). Proceedings of The American Association For Cancer Research vol. Vol. 22,
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Balkwill F, Taylor‐Papadimitriou J, Fantes KH and Sebesteny A (1980). HUMAN LYMPHOBLASTOID INTERFERON CAN INHIBIT THE GROWTH OF HUMAN BREAST CANCER XENOGRAFTS IN ATHYMIC [NUDE] MICE. Wiley Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences vol. 350, (1) 591-592. 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1980.tb20671.x
Balkwill F, Taylor-Papadimitriou J, Fantes KH and Sebesteny A (1980). Human lymphoblastoid interferon can inhibit the growth of human breast cancer xenografts in athymic (nude) mice. Elsevier European Journal of Cancer vol. 16, (4) 569-573. 10.1016/0014-2964(80)90237-6
Balkwill FR and Oliver RTD (1979). REMISSION IN ACUTE MYELOBLASTIC LEUKÆMIA. Elsevier The Lancet vol. 314, (8149) 961-962. 10.1016/s0140-6736(79)92658-8
Balkwill FR and Hogg N (1979). Characterization of human breast milk macrophages cytostatic for human cell lines. The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology vol. 123, (4) 1451-1456. 10.4049/jimmunol.123.4.1451
Balkwill FR (1979). Interferons as cell-regulatory molecules. Springer Nature Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy vol. 7, (1) 7-14. 10.1007/bf00205403
Balkwill F, Watling D and Taylor‐Papadimitriou J (1978). Inhibition by lymphoblastoid interferon of growth of cells derived from the human breast. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 22, (3) 258-265. 10.1002/ijc.2910220307
BALKWILL F and TAYLOR-PAPADIMITRIOU J (1978). Interferon affects both G1 and S+G2 in cells stimulated from quiescence to growth. Springer Nature Nature vol. 274, (5673) 798-800. 10.1038/274798a0
Balkwill FR and Oliver RTD (1977). Growth inhibitory effects of interferon on normal and malignant human haemopoietic cells. Wiley International Journal of Cancer vol. 20, (4) 500-505. 10.1002/ijc.2910200405
Balkwill FR, Franks CR, Oliver RTD and Spector WG (1977). Neoplastic macrophages grown from human leukaemic monocytes. Wiley The Journal of Pathology vol. 122, (1) 13-26. 10.1002/path.1711220104
Franks CR, Bishop D, Balkwill FR, Oliver RT and Spector WG (1977). Growth of acute myeloid leukaemia as discrete subcutaneous tumours in immune-deprived mice. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 35, (5) 697-700. 10.1038/bjc.1977.107
Balkwill FR and Oliver RT (1976). Diagnostic and prognostic significance of peripheral blood cultural characteristics in adult acute leukaemia. Springer Nature British Journal of Cancer vol. 33, (4) 400-410. 10.1038/bjc.1976.65
Balkwill FR and Oliver RT (1976). Morphological characterisation of adult acute leukaemia in short-term liquid culture. 10.1007/978-3-642-81049-7_12
BALKWILL F, PINDAR A and CROWTHER D (1974). Factors influencing microculture of leukaemia cells. Springer Nature Nature vol. 251, (5477) 741-742. 10.1038/251741a0
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Role of JAM-C in inflammatory and vascular events in vivo as studied using an experimental model of ovarian cancer.
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Nourshargh S and Balkwill FR
£227,807 Wellcome Trust (01-01-2010 - 31-12-2012)