Inflammation Models

Inflammation is a major research area at Queen Mary University of London, with a strategic emphasis to bring together bioengineering, nanomedicines and organ-on-a-chip technologies to further understand mechanisms of disease and the development of innovative therapies for chronic pathologies. Many of the basic and applied research activities are coordinated through an interdisciplinary cross-institute Centre for inflammation and Therapeutic Innovation (CiTI). 

QMUL is renowned for its pioneering research investigating inflammatory processes, with international leadership on the mechanisms that regulate cell trafficking (Dr. Cooper, Prof. Marelli-Berg), vascular alterations (Dr. Nightingale, Dr. Whiteford, Dr. Dufton), adaptive immune cell responses (Dr. Longhi) as well as mechanisms that incite the resolution of inflammation (Prof. Perretti, Dr. Norling, Prof. Dalli) and inflammaging/ immunosenesence (Dr. Henson, Dr. Lewis, Dr. Chambers, Dr. Montero-Melendez).

The new Queen Mary&Emulate Organs-on-Chips Centre utilises Organs-on-Chips to recreate the human biology of different organs by incorporating the appropriate types of cells and tissues cultured under fluid flow and mechanical stretch. This replicates the mechanical stimuli associated with physiological activity such as breathing, peristalsis or movement thereby recapitulating the microenvironment experienced by cells in vivo.

The CREATE lab with facilities for 3D bioprinting and fabrication of microfluidic devices has enabled the development of next-generation engineered tissues to gain greater insight into disease mechanisms and assess efficacy of new therapeutics.