Prof Cleo Bishop

Cleo Bishop

Professor of Senescence

FMD Blizard
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Breast Cancer, Kidney, Skin, Senescence, Ageing, p16

Cancer Models, Skin Models


Cleo’s is the Director of the QMUL Phenotypic Screening Facility, with >18 years experience in compound/genetic high-throughput screening using 2D/3D in vitro models. Her research seeks to illuminate senescence mechanisms, understand how cells age, explore the interplay between healthy ageing and cellular rejuvenation, and target senescence for ageing and cancer therapy. Ageing team: understand the fundamental mechanisms that senescence heterogeneity; uncover novel routes to cellular rejuvenation; explore how senescence underpins ageing phenotypes; and discover novel senostatics and senolytics for healthy ageing. Cancer team: how cells sense early carcinogenic events; find mechanisms to selectively trigger senescence in breast cancer; identify new genetic targets for pro-senescence therapy; and discover novel senostatic and senolytic approaches for cancer therapy.


Publications of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models


Duran I, Bishop CL, Gil J and Wallis R (2024). The promise of machine learning approaches to capture cellular senescence heterogeneity. Springer Nature  Nature Aging  1-4. 10.1038/s43587-024-00703-2
Ogrodnik M, Carlos Acosta J, Adams PD, d'Adda di Fagagna F, Baker DJ, Bishop CL, Chandra T, Collado M, Gil J, Gorgoulis V, Gruber F, Hara E, Jansen-Dürr P, Jurk D, Khosla S, Kirkland JL, Krizhanovsky V, Minamino T, Niedernhofer LJ, Passos JF, Ring NAR, Redl H, Robbins PD, Rodier F, Scharffetter-Kochanek K, Sedivy JM, Sikora E, Witwer K, von Zglinicki T and Yun MH (2024). Guidelines for minimal information on cellular senescence experimentation in vivo. Elsevier  Cell  vol. 187, (16) 4150-4175. 10.1016/j.cell.2024.05.059
Lujan C, Tyler EJ, Ecker S, Webster AP, Stead ER, Martinez-Miguel VE, Milligan D, Garbe JC, Stampfer MR, Beck S, Lowe R, Bishop CL and Bjedov I (2024). An expedited screening platform for the discovery of anti-ageing compounds in vitro and in vivo. Springer Nature  Genome Medicine  vol. 16, (1) 10.1186/s13073-024-01349-w
Rolas L, Stein M, Barkaway A, Reglero-Real N, Sciacca E, Yaseen M, Wang H, Vazquez-Martinez L, Golding M, Blacksell IA, Giblin MJ, Jaworska E, Bishop CL, Voisin M-B, Gaston-Massuet C, Fossati-Jimack L, Pitzalis C, Cooper D, Nightingale TD, Lopez-Otin C, Lewis MJ and Nourshargh S (2024). Senescent endothelial cells promote pathogenic neutrophil trafficking in inflamed tissues. Springer Nature  Embo Reports  1-28. 10.1038/s44319-024-00182-x
Lowe R, Overhoff MG, Ramagopalan SV, Garbe JC, Koh J, Stampfer MR, Beach DH, Rakyan VK and Bishop CL (2024). Author Correction: The senescent methylome and its relationship with cancer, ageing and germline genetic variation in humans. Springer Nature  Genome Biology  vol. 25, (1) 10.1186/s13059-024-03295-7


Wallis R and Bishop CL (2023). Death-seq and ye shall find: A novel screening strategy for dying cells. Elsevier  Cell Metabolism  vol. 35, (10) 1675-1676. 10.1016/j.cmet.2023.09.003
Gorkic M, Messenger D, Wainwright L, Connelly J and Bishop CL (2023). P33 Investigating the utility and exploring biological targets of micro-wound healing compounds in 2D and 3D skin models. Oxford University Press (Oup)  British Journal of Dermatology  vol. 189, (1) e27-e27. 10.1093/bjd/ljad174.054
Gorkic M, Messenger D, Wainwright L, Connelly J and Bishop C (2023). 1454 Investigating the utility and exploring biological targets of micro-wound healing compounds in 2D and 3D skin models. Elsevier  Journal of Investigative Dermatology  vol. 143, (5) 10.1016/j.jid.2023.03.1471
Hughes BK, Wallis R and Bishop CL (2023). Yearning for machine learning: applications for the classification and characterisation of senescence. Springer Nature  Cell and Tissue Research  vol. 394, (1) 1-16. 10.1007/s00441-023-03768-4


Bishop C (2022). Current Understanding of the Role of Senescent Melanocytes in Skin Ageing. Mdpi  Biomedicines  vol. 10, (12) 3111-3111. 10.3390/biomedicines10123111
Wallis R, Milligan D, Hughes B, Mizen H, López-Domínguez JA, Eduputa U, Tyler EJ, Serrano M and Bishop CL (2022). Senescence-associated morphological profiles (SAMPs): an image-based phenotypic profiling method for evaluating the inter and intra model heterogeneity of senescence. Impact Journals  Aging  vol. 14, (10) 4220-4246. 10.18632/aging.204072


Palmer A, Epton S, Crawley E, Straface M, Gammon L, Edgar MM, Xu Y, Elahi S, Chin-Aleong J, Martin JE, Bishop CL, Knowles CH and Sanger GJ (2021). Expression of p16 Within Myenteric Neurons of the Aged Colon: A Potential Marker of Declining Function. Frontiers in Neuroscience  vol. 15, 747067-747067. 10.3389/fnins.2021.747067
Barkaway A, Rolas L, Joulia R, Bodkin J, Lenn T, Owen-Woods C, Reglero-Real N, Stein M, Vázquez-Martínez L, Girbl T, Poston RN, Golding M, Saleeb RS, Thiriot A, von Andrian UH, Duchene J, Voisin M-B, Bishop CL, Voehringer D, Roers A, Rot A, Lämmermann T and Nourshargh S (2021). Age-related changes in the local milieu of inflamed tissues cause aberrant neutrophil trafficking and subsequent remote organ damage. Elsevier  Immunity  vol. 54, (7) 1494-1510.e7. 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.04.025
Wallis R, Josipovic N, Mizen H, Robles‐Tenorio A, Tyler EJ, Papantonis A and Bishop CL (2021). Isolation methodology is essential to the evaluation of the extracellular vesicle component of the senescence‐associated secretory phenotype. Wiley  Journal of Extracellular Vesicles  vol. 10, (4) 10.1002/jev2.12041
Tyler EJ, del Arroyo AG, Hughes BK, Wallis R, Garbe JC, Stampfer MR, Koh J, Lowe R, Philpott MP and Bishop CL (2021). Early growth response 2 (EGR2) is a novel regulator of the senescence programme. Wiley  Aging Cell  vol. 20, (3) 10.1111/acel.13318


Milligan DA, Tyler EJ and Bishop CL (2020). Tissue engineering to better understand senescence: Organotypics come of age. Elsevier  Mechanisms of Ageing and Development  vol. 190, 10.1016/j.mad.2020.111261
Wallis R, Mizen H and Bishop CL (2020). The bright and dark side of extracellular vesicles in the senescence-associated secretory phenotype. Elsevier  Mechanisms of Ageing and Development  vol. 189, 10.1016/j.mad.2020.111263
Avelar RA, Ortega JG, Tacutu R, Tyler EJ, Bennett D, Binetti P, Budovsky A, Chatsirisupachai K, Johnson E, Murray A, Shields S, Tejada-Martinez D, Thornton D, Fraifeld VE, Bishop CL and de Magalhães JP (2020). A multidimensional systems biology analysis of cellular senescence in aging and disease. Springer Nature  Genome Biology  vol. 21, (1) 10.1186/s13059-020-01990-9


Gorgoulis V, Adams PD, Alimonti A, Bennett DC, Bischof O, Bishop C, Campisi J, Collado M, Evangelou K, Ferbeyre G, Gil J, Hara E, Krizhanovsky V, Jurk D, Maier AB, Narita M, Niedernhofer L, Passos JF, Robbins PD, Schmitt CA, Sedivy J, Vougas K, von Zglinicki T, Zhou D, Serrano M and Demaria M (2019). Cellular Senescence: Defining a Path Forward. Elsevier (Cell Press)  Cell  vol. 179, (4) 813-827. 10.1016/j.cell.2019.10.005
Almeida FV, Gammon L, Laly AC, Pundel OJ, Bishop CL and Connelly JT (2019). High‐Content Analysis of Cell Migration Dynamics within a Micropatterned Screening Platform. Wiley  Advanced Biosystems  1900011-1900011. 10.1002/adbi.201900011
Almeida FV, Gammon L, Laly AC, Pundel OJ, Bishop CL and Connelly JT (2019). Cell Migration Dynamics: High‐Content Analysis of Cell Migration Dynamics within a Micropatterned Screening Platform (Adv. Biosys. 8/2019). Advanced Biosystems  vol. 3, (8) 1970083-1970083. 10.1002/adbi.201970083


Thompson CL, Plant JC, Wann AK, Bishop CL, Novak P, Mitchison HM, Beales PL, Chapple JP and Knight MM (2017). Chondrocyte expansion is associated with loss of primary cilia and disrupted hedgehog signalling. Eur Cell Mater  vol. 34, 128-141. 10.22203/eCM.v034a09
Nijhuis A, Thompson H, Adam J, Parker A, Gammon L, Lewis A, Bundy JG, Tomoyoshi S, Jalaly A, Propper D, Jeffery R, Suraweera N, McDonald S, THAHA MA, Feakins R, Lowe R, Bishop CL and Silver A (2017). Remodelling of microRNAs in colorectal cancer by hypoxia alters metabolism profiles and 5-fluorouracil resistance., Editors: Davies K and Wynshaw-Boris A. Oxford University Press (Oup)  Human Molecular Genetics  10.1093/hmg/ddx059
Nijhuis A, Curciarello R, Mehta S, Feakins R, Bishop CL, Lindsay JO and Silver A (2017). MCL-1 is modulated in Crohn's disease fibrosis by miR-29b via IL-6 and IL-8. Cell Tissue Res  10.1007/s00441-017-2576-1


Clarke RW, Novak P, Zhukov A, Tyler EJ, Cano-Jaimez M, Drews A, Richards O, Volynski K, Bishop C and Klenerman D (2016). Low Stress Ion Conductance Microscopy of Sub-Cellular Stiffness. Royal Society of Chemistry  Soft Matter  vol. 12, (38) 7953-7958. 10.1039/c6sm01106c


Lewis A, Mehta S, Hanna LN, Rogalski LA, Jeffery R, Nijhuis A, Kumagai T, Biancheri P, Bundy JG, Bishop CL, Feakins R, Di Sabatino A, Lee JC, Lindsay JO and Silver A (2015). Low Serum Levels of MicroRNA-19 Are Associated with a Stricturing Crohn's Disease Phenotype. Oxford University Press (Oup)  Inflammatory Bowel Diseases  vol. 21, (8) 1926-1934. 10.1097/mib.0000000000000443
Moore M, Philpott M and Bishop C (2015). 52P A siRNA screen to re-activate senescence in basal-like breast cancer. Elsevier  Annals of Oncology  vol. 26, 10.1093/annonc/mdv117.14
Murray A, Letourneau A, Canzonetta C, Stathaki E, Gimelli S, Sloan-Bena F, Abrehart R, Goh P, Lim S, Baldo C, Dagna-Bricarelli F, Hannan S, Mortensen M, Ballard D, Syndercombe Court D, Fusaki N, Hasegawa M, Smart TG, Bishop C, Antonarakis SE, Groet J and Nizetic D (2015). Brief Report: Isogenic Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines From an Adult With Mosaic Down Syndrome Model Accelerated Neuronal Ageing and Neurodegeneration. Wiley Online  Stem Cells  vol. 33, (6) 2077-2084. 10.1002/stem.1968
Lowe R, Overhoff MG, Ramagopalan SV, Garbe JC, Koh J, Stampfer MR, Beach DH, Rakyan VK and Bishop CL (2015). The senescent methylome and its relationship with cancer, ageing and germline genetic variation in humans. Springer Nature  Genome Biology  vol. 16, (1) 10.1186/s13059-015-0748-4


Nijhuis A, Biancheri P, Lewis A, Bishop CL, Giuffrida P, Chan C, Feakins R, Poulsom R, Di Sabatino A, Corazza GR, MacDonald TT, Lindsay JO and Silver AR (2014). In Crohn's disease fibrosis-reduced expression of the miR-29 family enhances collagen expression in intestinal fibroblasts. Clin Sci (Lond)  vol. 127, (5) 341-350. 10.1042/CS20140048


Overhoff MG, Garbe JC, Koh J, Stampfer MR, Beach DH and Bishop CL (2013). Cellular senescence mediated by p16INK4A-coupled miRNA pathways. Nucleic Acids Research  vol. 42, (3) 1606-1618. 10.1093/nar/gkt1096


Liu L, Oliveira NMM, Cheney KM, Pade C, Dreja H, Bergin A-MH, Borgdorff V, Beach DH, Bishop CL, Dittmar MT and McKnight A (2011). A whole genome screen for HIV restriction factors. Retrovirology  vol. 8, 10.1186/1742-4690-8-94


Borgdorff V, Lleonart ME, Bishop CL, Fessart D, Bergin AH, Overhoff MG and Beach DH (2010). Multiple microRNAs rescue from Ras-induced senescence by inhibiting p21(Waf1/Cip1). Oncogene  vol. 29, (15) 2262-2271. 10.1038/onc.2009.497
Bishop CL, Bergin A-M, Fessart D, Borgdorff V, Hatzimasoura E, Garbe JC, Stampfer MR, Koh J and Beach DH (2010). Primary cilium dependent and independent Hedgehog signaling inhibits p16INK4A. Mol Cell  vol. 40, (4) 533-547. 10.1016/j.molcel.2010.10.027


Bishop CL, Ulas S, Baena-Gonzalez E, Aro EM, Purton S, Nugent JHA and Maenpaa P (2007). The PsbZ subunit of photosystem II in Synechocystis sp PCC 6803 modulates electron flow through the photosynthetic electron transfer chain. Photosynth Res  vol. 93, (1-3) 139-147. 10.1007/s11120-007-9182-0


Bishop CL, Ramalho M, Nadkarni N, Kong WM, Higgins CF and Krauzewicz N (2006). Role for centromeric heterochromatin and PML nuclear bodies in the cellular response to foreign DNA (vol 26, pg 2583, 2006). Mol Cell Biol  vol. 26, (10) 3997-3997. 10.1128/MCB.26.10.3997.2006
Bishop CL, Ramalho M, Nadkarni N, May Kong W, Higgins CF and Krauzewicz N (2006). Role for centromeric heterochromatin and PML nuclear bodies in the cellular response to foreign DNA. Mol Cell Biol  vol. 26, (7) 2583-2594. 10.1128/MCB.26.7.2583-2594.2006


Bishop CL, Purton S and Nugent JHA (2003). Molecular analysis of the Chlamydomonas nuclear gene encoding PsbW and demonstration that PsbW is a subunit of photosystem II, but not photosystem I. Plant Mol Biol  vol. 52, (2) 285-289. 10.1023/a:1023963113290


Grants of specific relevance to Predictive in vitro Models
Cell DIVE Imager for automated, single cell, multiplexed immunofluorescence microscopy
Bishop CL, Bourke CD, Chan LF, Dalli J, Graham TA, Licenikova Horejsi Z, Martin-Duran JM, Nourshargh S, Prendergast A and Riches J
£340,339 Wellcome Trust (20-11-2021 - 19-11-2026)
PhD Studentship: Development of an organ-chip to study regulation of primary cilia mechanobiology as novel treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease
Knight MM and Bishop C
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (06-09-2021 - 03-03-2025)

Pro-senescence therapies for basal-like breast cancer: A novel therapeutic innovation
Bishop C
£242,221 Barts Charity (01-10-2020 - 30-09-2023)
Drug repurposing for treatment of cilia-related pathologies
Knight MM and Bishop CL
£50,000 Queen Mary Innovations: Proof of Concept Grant (01-04-2021 - 28-02-2022)
Targeting senescence-specific apoptosis resistance genes for the clearance of senescent cells in 2D and 3D human models
Bishop C
£439,183 Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-01-2017 - 31-12-2019)