
Prof Knight contributes to organ-chip panel at Target to Patient conference

29 April 2024

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Prof Knight gave an invited lecture and sat on an organ-chip discussion panel at the excellent 'Target to Patient 2024' Conference.

Prof Knight was part of the session on 'Novel tools and approaches in complex in vitro cellular models' and shared the panel with Dr Lorna Ewart from Emulate Inc and Prof Tony NG from GSK. The meeting featured interesting keynotes and representative primarily from industry and other stakeholders including GSK, Astra Zenica, Pfeizer, NPL and the European Bioinformatics Institute.

Prof Knight's talk focussed on the importance of biomechanical stimuli within organ-chip models and illustrated this with various example models being developed by his group at Queen Mary University of London. These include musculoskeletal models such as the synovium, cartilage, and bone models; a breast cancer metastasis model; a polycystic kidney disease model and an artery inflammation/atherosclerosis model. All these are being developed using the Emulate platform although the team are also using other commercial organ-chip platforms as well as bespoke in house systems.

Contact: Martin Knight

Updated by: Martin Knight